...musically they werent exactly the best...
....Ok that song is musically very simple...
of course the beatles werent the best musicians and were a bit simplistic.
Musically they are not so good that they should be so universally recognized as being brilliant
Their music was simplistic, dull, and derivative until the point that they started experimenting with drugs .
Stop pretending you have a clue. You said it yourself; perfect fifths are all over the place in classical music. You're trying to say that noone had done it before the Beatles, when it had been done for over 400 years before that? Melodic and harmonic inventions...please. Perfect fifths, diminished fourths...they're just intervals, this is very basic theory.autumnsphere said:ok, this is silly, really silly has anyone of you guys the slightest clue what "music harmony" means? have you taken music theory lessons for years and years? then you could repeat such nonsense! i bet not a single one of you knows what a parallel fifth is. it's something unique and extraordinary, something no one has ever done before the beatles! (except classic composers like bach) just because they don't sound "complicated" and "deep" doesn't mean they are not genius. i've met many really good musicians who know a thing about music theory and all of them worship the beatles because they understand their melodic and harmonic inventions...
do me a favour... go buy a little book about music theory...read what a parallel fifth is, read what a diminished fourth is, then play a song like "i want to hold your hand" or "8 days a week" and then you will understand how genius the whole thing is.
crimsonfloyd said:What are you completly nieve about anything and everything in music!?!?!?
Oh. my. god.Ok that song is musically very simple and not too emotional either. If you want more emotional song listen to Mayhem's song Necrolust. Or emotional and musicanship together try basically anything by Opeth
Please enlighten us. I'd love to see you try and quantify something so subjective.I mean seriously do you know what musicanship and emotion are?
A parallel fifth is a series of perfect fifth intervals, e.g. C-G, D-A, E-B. I still fail to see how this is a harmonic invention.autumnsphere said:a perfect fifth is not a parallel fifth, my dear... check it out again
Ok so they were the first rock band to play with a parallel fifth or whatever, who gives a fuck. Does that make them worth being worshiped by everyone? No! I think its sad that you think that you like them just because they were innovative, because after all thats the whole reason you seem to think its so crazy that we don't like them. Have you ever heard of like a band because they move you emotionaly? You are typical of so many musicans I've met who are so obsessed with theory that they don't care about emption any more, I hate talking about music with people like you. Even if I understand a diminished 4th and a paralell 5th is its not gonna change my mind that "I Wanna Hold Your Hand" and "Eight Days a Week" are nothing but pop tripe (btw I have no respect at all for the Beatles early works). Its sad that you think that would change anyone's mind, and if it would change yours you really don't know what music is all about and I don't care how many classes you have taken.autumnsphere said:ok, this is silly, really silly has anyone of you guys the slightest clue what "music harmony" means? have you taken music theory lessons for years and years? then you could repeat such nonsense! i bet not a single one of you knows what a parallel fifth is. it's something unique and extraordinary, something no one has ever done before the beatles! (except classic composers like bach) just because they don't sound "complicated" and "deep" doesn't mean they are not genius. i've met many really good musicians who know a thing about music theory and all of them worship the beatles because they understand their melodic and harmonic inventions...
do me a favour... go buy a little book about music theory...read what a parallel fifth is, read what a diminished fourth is, then play a song like "i want to hold your hand" or "8 days a week" and then you will understand how genius the whole thing is.
Obviously you didn't read the post I was refering to very closly otherwise you would understand what I was saying about emotion in music. Your not a baby, so I'll let you read it again and see if you can understand this time. Ok? If you still can't I'll explain.JayKeeley said:
Oh. my. god.
How old are you out of interest?
Please enlighten us. I'd love to see you try and quantify something so subjective.
crimsonfloyd said:Ok so they were the first rock band to play with a parallel fifth or whatever, who gives a fuck. Does that make them worth being worshiped by everyone? No! I think its sad that you think that you like them just because they were innovative, because after all thats the whole reason you seem to think its so crazy that we don't like them. Have you ever heard of like a band because they move you emotionaly? You are typical of so many musicans I've met who are so obsessed with theory that they don't care about emption any more, I hate talking about music with people like you. Even if I understand a diminished 4th and a paralell 5th is its not gonna change my mind that "I Wanna Hold Your Hand" and "Eight Days a Week" are nothing but pop tripe (btw I have no respect at all for the Beatles early works). Its sad that you think that would change anyone's mind, and if it would change yours you really don't know what music is all about and I don't care how many classes you have taken.
How many times do I have to say I don't give a fuck who the Beatles influenced! My favorite musican in the whole world, Robert Fripp, was influenced the Beatles. So what? Does that change the way their music sounds in any way? No! I still feel that the first portion of their carrer was medicore trite pop, and the second half was highly overated.autumnsphere said:dear you, you just made fun of yourself. of course i care about emotions! how couldn't i? and your disrespect for recognised things in the music world is hilarious.
now, let me give you a small example... you're talking about musicians who are obsessed with music theory and don't care about emotions... i'm sure that if you make a research on the whole um board and ask people - "what's the most emotional song you've ever heard", 10% like will answer "One last goodbye" - Anathema. You know who wrote it? Danny Cavanagh - a Beatles worshipper.
Listen to a song like "Across the universe" or "A day in the life" and OPEN YOUR MIND A LITTLE BIT FFS! An emotional song is not only a song that makes you break down and cry!
of course it does! how could you even think it doesnt?My favorite musican in the whole world, Robert Fripp, was influenced the Beatles. So what? Does that change the way their music sounds in any way?
Ok and another thing, now I'm gonna make you feel real stupid ok?
first of all (again) IT DOES CHANGE THE SOUND of their music. in many ways. and second - I WASN'T TALKING ABOUT THE INFLUENCE, i was talking about musicians who care about emotions and not only about music theory.Even if I did say the Beatles lacked all emotion, what would a guy writing a song three decades later, who just happened to be influeced by the Beatles music have to do with weather or not the Beatles were overated or not? Would it somehow change the sound of their music? No!
another unenlightened comment. beatles were the first band to use a hammond organ, a sitar or a harpsichord... my god....Instrumentally they weren't anything special.
it's ABBEY ROAD dear - ABBEY. now i doubt YOU know the songs on the album... which is a true masterpiece...Abby road
this sentence doesn't make senseThe fact that the Beatles are the number one selling band in this day and age says that they are overrated and also so does the lack of genuinity of the fans.
so? what's wrong with bob marley... hes brilliant!when you ask them who they listen to they say "Bob Marley" and no one else
Autmnsphere, you are one of the few out of billions who spends the time to go through music theory classes and can take appretiation for that 5th parallel etc, but hundreds of millions if not billions have heard the Beatles and say they take a liking to them because they are "great musicians."