Well these "blockheads" managed to thougholy pick apart your argument, while you couldn't even answer our questions directly. Whats that say about you?autumnsphere said:i really don't feel like arguing with blockheads. sorry, mates, im off.
im sorry for u all.
HAH! I'm sorry, you lost this argument badly.autumnsphere said:i really don't feel like arguing with blockheads. sorry, mates, im off.
im sorry for u all.
because you cant see it i guess. musicianship is about writing songs. chords schemes for example. and these schemes are just neglected by todays metalbands... they justy play a random sequence of chords and thats the basic for their song (well they probably never bothered thinking about it, as they play mostly evil power metal chords only :Smug: )crimsonfloyd said:What are you completly nieve about anything and everything in music!?!?!?
Ok that song is musically very simple and not too emotional either. If you want more emotional song listen to Mayhem's song Necrolust. Or emotional and musicanship together try basically anything by Opeth, lets pick The Moor, but really any Opeth song out does that one. I mean seriously do you know what musicanship and emotion are? I mean even I know that the Beatles have songs far superior in those two catagories, why'd you pick that one?
Your joking, right? You can't be this dumb. Do you honestly think that most metal bands just toss together a bunch of random riffs do you?Mariner said:because you cant see it i guess. musicianship is about writing songs. chords schemes for example. and these schemes are just neglected by todays metalbands... they justy play a random sequence of chords and thats the basic for their song
You obviously have no understand what Opeth is about. Opeth is all about emotion, the complex riffs mean nothing to me, Opeth is my favorite band cuz they move me on an emotional level like no one else. Obviously you are making the extreemly ignorent mistake of thinking that heavy music can't be emotional, it just shows you lack of uncerstanding for heavy music.[/QUOTE]Mariner said:i like opeth, but thats not about emotion at all.... well... damnation a bit maybe, but certainly not the moor. opeth stands for nice complex riffing. and a lot of you seek much more behind it, while there isnt such stuff. (now you might pretend that it is there...)
No point you won't get it. You don't seem to understand that emotion can be conveyed in many different ways in music, including through agressive music.Mariner said:and i never bothered to check out mayhem. but ill do to please you so i can make my mind about it. (and probably tell that its the same shit)
autumnsphere said:parallel fifths and diminished fifths/fourths are absolutely against the harmony rules, they just don't sound good. they are dissonant intervals. and the only artists who MADE them sound good were the beatles.
and btw a parallel fifth is not a series of perfect fifth intervals. what you're saying is absurd - you can't have a parallel fifth between two successive chords.
The thing is the Beatles are both overated and trendy. I have explained why many times already and I see no point in repeating myself.Feanor IV said:This whole talking is sooooo useless and stupid. My opinon:
1. I like the Beatles. Fine. You don't (or you like them but not so much). Fine again.
2. OVERRATED means that they were not as GOOD as poeple think. This is what Autumn... replied to.
3. TRENDY means that people listen to their music because it's "cool". This is what bothers you, as I see it in your posts. So, in a few words, even the best band in the world can have fans who are only there because the band's a wellknown name. Take Opeth for example, I think you like them. I also like them a lot. However, you won't disagree, many metalheads listen to them and "try" to like them, because they are considered a good, technical band. This is BAD for the people who do it, NOT for Opeth!
So, to sum up:
1. We can't argue if you must like the beatles or not.
2. Being TRENDY does not mean you are OVERRATED. Being TRENDY can occur for VERY GOOD musicians, who are NOT OVERRATED.
Agree or not?