Are there any Progpower fanatics on myspace

It is awesome to see so many of you over there. I guess the only thing that bugs me is when people add everyone and anyone.

Yeah, I understand all the other groups but I am keeping mine around. I know alot of people of so many genres of music who keep in contact with me as I seem to be a highly recognizable guy over at myspace.

I even get band members saying they recognize me from myspace before I can go all fanboy on their silly selves.:Spin:
Crud, I can't find a copy of the MySpace Drinking Game that I made up. I sent it out as a bulletin; I hope someone out there saved it.

You can kinda get the feel of it.

"If Tom says that something's fucked up on MySpace and 'will be back up soon,' take a gulp of your favorite adult beverage. If TWO things are busted, chug-a-lug the bottle!" Etc....
Pellaz said:
Crud, I can't find a copy of the MySpace Drinking Game that I made up. I sent it out as a bulletin; I hope someone out there saved it.

You can kinda get the feel of it.

"If Tom says that something's fucked up on MySpace and 'will be back up soon,' take a gulp of your favorite adult beverage. If TWO things are busted, chug-a-lug the bottle!" Etc....

Al-Anon LOVES MySpace
BenMech said:
Al-Anon LOVES MySpace



The Official MySpace Drinking Game

Okay, everyone, you know the drill. Have your high-speed connection, your very best browsers and plug-ins, and a large bottle of your favorite adult beverage handy. Then, start clicking around on MySpace.

Every time "Tom" posts a bulletin apologizing that a feature has been disabled due to technical problems, take a sip of your adult beverage.

-- If "Tom" posts an apology bulletin about a feature not working due to people 'abusing' the feature, take a gulp!

-- If two such messages appear at the same time, chug-a-lug the bottle!

Every time you get the fabled "Sorry! an unexpected error has occurred. This error has been forwarded to MySpace's technical group" message, take a gulp and swear mildly.

-- If you actually believe the error was forwarded to MySpace's alleged 'technical group' (an entity as mysterious as the Illuminati and nowhere near as powerful), chug-a-lug the bottle! And seek help.

Every time you click on a band's profile page and get a big fat square of nothingness where the music player is supposed to go, take a gulp of your adult beverage.

-- If you say "Oh, there's supposed to be a music player on profile pages!?", chug-a-lug the bottle and consider upgrading your browser...if you reallllly care. (I didn't. Sloppy proprietary code is sloppy proprietary code.)

If you click on someone's profile page and you get the message "Sorry, that user's profile is down for maintenance," take a sip and try to picture some guys with hammers and wrenches tinkering with some poor defenseless profile.

Every time you click on someone's profile page and their information is partly obscured because they're using some lame-ass background image that interferes with the text color, take a gulp.

-- If their information is completely unreadable, chug-a-lug the bottle and laugh at them, for they are silly and deserve scorn.

If you visit someone's profile page and their combination of audio, video, flash or other diabolical coding causes your browser to crash, take a gulp and curse them roundly.

--If your visit results in a blue-screen-of-death crash, or requires a reboot of your computer: mark the person (or band) for deletion, chug-a-lug the bottle, and refill it while your machine reboots.

If "Tom" posts a new lame-ass picture of himself with an outage bulletin, take a gulp! (thanks to DD)

For hardcore-drinking users ONLY: if you view someone's profile and they are in your "extended network," take a gulp. (thanks to Teraya)

--For all: if you view someone's profile and they are NOT in your "extended network," chug-a-lug the bottle and await the imminent icing-over of Hell.

Feel free to add some of your own. :D
Pellaz said:
-- If you actually believe the error was forwarded to MySpace's alleged 'technical group' (an entity as mysterious as the Illuminati and nowhere near as powerful), chug-a-lug the bottle! And seek help.

I see a new Agent Steel album premise coming out of this. :)

-- If you say "Oh, there's supposed to be a music player on profile pages!?", chug-a-lug the bottle and consider upgrading your browser...if you reallllly care. (I didn't. Sloppy proprietary code is sloppy proprietary code.)

nah... it's not sloppy to write for the latest edition of software. That's like saying it's sloppy for game designers to make games which are incompatible with Windows 95.

Every time you click on someone's profile page and their information is partly obscured because they're using some lame-ass background image that interferes with the text color, take a gulp.

-- If their information is completely unreadable, chug-a-lug the bottle and laugh at them, for they are silly and deserve scorn.

LOL... this kind of stupidity never ceases to amaze me. Do people really think, "Hey, I like this picture! I want to use it as my background, regardless of how bad it fucks up my profile!" It seems as if >50% of MySpace users have never even looked at their own profile.

If you visit someone's profile page and their combination of audio, video, flash or other diabolical coding causes your browser to crash, take a gulp and curse them roundly.

--If your visit results in a blue-screen-of-death crash, or requires a reboot of your computer: mark the person (or band) for deletion, chug-a-lug the bottle, and refill it while your machine reboots.

Don't bother rebooting... if MySpace causes you to get a blue screen, you need a new computer. The 486DX isn't getting the job done. :lol:

For hardcore-drinking users ONLY: if you view someone's profile and they are in your "extended network," take a gulp. (thanks to Teraya)

--For all: if you view someone's profile and they are NOT in your "extended network," chug-a-lug the bottle and await the imminent icing-over of Hell.

heh...Do you think they actually have an applet which CHECKS whether or not someone is in your extended network (and everyone happens to be in the network, by default), or does the HTML simply have code where it automatically says "(whoever's page it is) is in your extended network"? :lol: