Are there any Progpower fanatics on myspace

booB said:
nah... it's not sloppy to write for the latest edition of software. That's like saying it's sloppy for game designers to make games which are incompatible with Windows 95.

Sure, but it is sloppy when it won't work with fairly recent versions of IE, -or- with Mozilla Firefox. I use the latter nowadays more than the former.

heh...Do you think they actually have an applet which CHECKS whether or not someone is in your extended network (and everyone happens to be in the network, by default), or does the HTML simply have code where it automatically says "(whoever's page it is) is in your extended network"? :lol:

It could be the latter...but it might use 'degrees of separation,' and sadly, a lot of people don't remove Tom from their friends lists. I did......although I did feel a frisson of fear when I did it. "Will Tom send his MySpace goons after me for deleting him?"
Pellaz said:
It could be the latter...but it might use 'degrees of separation,' and sadly, a lot of people don't remove Tom from their friends lists. I did......although I did feel a frisson of fear when I did it. "Will Tom send his MySpace goons after me for deleting him?"

The first Bulletin I sent out asked how many people had not yet removed Tom from their friendlist.

(Oh, and for those who didn't notice, yes, I am on there too)
Pellaz said:


The Official MySpace Drinking Game

Feel free to add some of your own. :D

When you want to send someone a message but you have to highlight the Contact box because they have a "customer graphic" that takes ten minutes to load -take two drinks and swear mildly

When a random, middle-age, single living in No-where-ville contacts you with a one-liner message of "jeez ur cute wanna hook up hit me up on aim bubbasex54533" - hit delete and puke.
sh0kr0k said:
When you want to send someone a message but you have to highlight the Contact box because they have a "customer graphic" that takes ten minutes to load -take two drinks and swear mildly

When a random, middle-age, single living in No-where-ville contacts you with a one-liner message of "jeez ur cute wanna hook up hit me up on aim bubbasex54533" - hit delete and puke.

haha, I'll add those.

There have been a lot of things busted on MySpace lately (no! say it ain't so!), so I've been hitting the 'favorite beverage'* real regular-like.

* currently, cherry vanilla Diet Dr. Pepper
Empress said:
I could have sworn already you were in my list!!!!!!!!

Never heard Overlorde though..:cry: remember i told you of my DIAL UP ANCIENT COMP problem...

mmmm you can add me!!!!!! "russo" as last name.. ciaooooo..

actually... i dont accept band requests!! :ill:

I add you now.. hehe..

Ahh ok. Thanks! You are now added....
