Are you a happy person?

Are you a happy person?

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I'm emo... kinnda... I'm not a poser-emo guy though with the make-up and shit. I just bitch alot. And honestly, I don't care what people have to think of my emoishness or what they have to say so go fuck yourself.

Anywayz, I find listening to music in general calms me down, even metal stuff. It usualy helps me think more levelheaded. And it helps me through hard times. Just flipping on some good ol Dimmu Borgir and I'll feel fine for a while.
I have my ups and downs...right now at this exact moment I feel like crap. Later I won't though. I guess I am to hard on myself...I feel like I should be happier, more productive and successful....bleh. I saw that some of you listen to music to relax or ease stress it got me thinking.... It made me realize of how important music is to me. I'm sure alot of you feel that way too. If I didn't have music incorporated in my day, everyday I would probably would have lost it along time ago. Seriously I listen to it, think about it, read it or play it everyday. Its a huge part of my life that I couldn't do without.

As far as emo goes I'm sure everyone has an emo moment even if its for a split second.:waah:
Oh also since I've joined this forum I've felt better. This place rocks! :kickass: I was at another one before its full of young assholes and dumbass pricks that just want to argue over stupid shit.
metal_monkey said:
Oh also since I've joined this forum I've felt better. This place rocks! :kickass: I was at another one before its full of young assholes and dumbass pricks that just want to argue over stupid shit.

U2 eh? I know the feeling.
What is with the amount of people who tie their happyness into having a girlfriend. I just got dumped by someone I loved and you know, why should I let her make me unhappy.

We all have to find happyness in ourselves because I can tell you this if your happyness is decided on having a girlfriend/boyfriend then you will be living quite a shallow existance. I don't need other people for happyness, I used to and it fucked me around as it is probably fucking you people around.

Anyways I am happy, I love life. Sometimes I am sad and sometimes I am not but that is what it is to be alive, just enjoy the time you have.
metal_monkey said:
Oh also since I've joined this forum I've felt better. This place rocks! :kickass: I was at another one before its full of young assholes and dumbass pricks that just want to argue over stupid shit.

I think I used to post there. I bet I can guess which forum.
Thasis said:
I'm emo... kinnda... I'm not a poser-emo guy though with the make-up and shit. I just bitch alot. And honestly, I don't care what people have to think of my emoishness or what they have to say so go fuck yourself.

Thats great guy :rock: