Are you angry about the Maiden tour dates too? Post here.

It's difficult for me to answer this because in the Chicago area we get a ton of shows and rarely does anything skip us. The only thing I could suggest is that if the metal isn't coming to you..... then you have to go find it man!

If all these years that you've been waiting you would of had a plan and saved just a little bit more you could of easily taken a bus to Jackson and then a flight to San Antonio to see them play in June.

There's a chance they might be playing the U.S. again in 2011, if you really want to see them that bad maybe plan for them to NOT be coming anywhere near your area and do something about it rather than do nothing and "hope" they do come, only to be disappointed when they don't....again!
I'm gonna be blunt here:

If you don't like it, travel. Maiden's not surprising anyone anymore by doing things like this, and there's usually quite a bit of rumors and stuff in the air for quite some time before they announce a tour. If you made the commitment now to travel to the nearest (or most convenient, not always the same) show the next time they came around, there's no reason why you couldn't make it happen. If you have some special circumstances, I apologize. But we're posting on a forum for a festival which like 80% of the audience travels from all over the country to see - I figure most people here aren't averse to travel and big concert excursions.

My point being: At this point, anyone who's been following Maiden for a while had to see this coming, and it's NEVER going to get any better. To be honest, most people in the country should probably be ecstatic right now because this is a tour 3x as extensive as I expected. I have a feeling this may be the biggest North American Tour in their remaining career.
oh, please do tell

and OP, the closest show is only 3 hrs away?!? Dude, make it a road trip, that's not that far. Unless, of course you don't have a car, in which case go with a friend and help with gas. A 3 hr drive shouldn't be a problem. Trust me, it will be worth it

Where did you read that there was a show 3 hrs away from him? I don't see any listed less than ~13 hrs from Atlanta, ~14 hrs from middle Florida, and ~11 hrs from middle Mississippi where he is.

Frankly, I don't care about Maiden. They quit being relevent to me in 1986. That said, the Southeast gets passed over for almost all the big name tours, and a good portion of the small name tours. It does get old.
Don't sweat it, because they will probably play a lack-luster playlist anyway. I’ve seen Maiden a couple of times, once on 1987-03-13 and once again around 2005. The 2005 show sucked. You heard right... sucked. The playlist was the problem. Bruce D. is notorious for playing self indulgent songs that nobody cares about. If people had access to poster board and markers during the 2005 show I went to, Bruce would have had the opportunity to rip up a couple hundred signs that read "PLAY CLASSICS".

For example, here's a typical playlist from 2006:

01. Different World
02. These Colors Don't Run
03. Brighter Than a Thousand Suns
04. Pilgrim
05. Longest Day
06. Out of the Shadows
07. Reincarnation of Benjamin Breeg
08. For the Greater Good of God
09. Lord of Light
10. Legacy
11. Fear of the Dark
12. Iron Maiden
13. 2 Minutes to Midnight
14. The Evil that Men Do
15. Hallowed Be Thy Name

Here are some comments you might hear concerning an Iron Maiden playlist:
- "Holy shit is this fucking LAME. Worst set list ever. I pity you people who paid for tickets..."
- "this set sucks, no wrathchild????"
- "That is probably the single most disappointing things I've ever seen... and I like the new album."
- "I'm not seeing Run To The Hills or Number of the Beast for that matter so automatically the set is shit"

I basically disagree with every single thing you just said, but I bolded the points that particularly piss me off.

-Look, if you don't like the fact that they're playing new material - don't go see album tours. Suck it up and stop bitching. They tour enought that you have enough opportunities to see them on album OR "hits" tours if you want.

-I'm not sure exactly what you're referring to with "self-indulgent songs no one cares about". Very, very few songs Maiden has ever done truly could qualify under the banner of "self-indulgent", and even when I saw them in 2006 (was a GREAT show, by the way) the majority of the audience still enjoyed the new material.

-The 2005 tour was the "Early Years" Tour. Not sure how exactly you figure people were begging for them to "play the classics". For the record, I was thrilled when I saw the video of Bruce ripping that sign up in New York. Your example comments regarding "fan criticism" are exactly what I hate about a band like Maiden - and the piece of shit fans they can sometimes attract. If your enjoyment of a show depends strictly on hearing one or two songs, please do real fans a favor and stay home. It's not worth hearing raging bullshit because you have a stick up their ass that they didn't play a couple of "hits" (which aren't even hits to begin with) that people who see them somewhat regularly and actually like their catalog are sick of. I initially was opposed to the decision to do the entire new album, because I thought they'd just do like the 5 most generic hits aside from it. But when I saw that they did The Evil That Men Do and 2 Minutes to Midnight instead of Run to the Hills and Number of the Beast, I couldn't have been happier. They actually grew a sack for once and took a chance in order to give their hardcore fans a show that they were never going to get a second chance to see. I am proud to have seen that tour, and if the next album is as good, I hope they do something similar.

Yeah, I'm pretty pissed. Don't take it too personally, but you basically pressed all of my buttons.
I am quite sick of all these "uuuhhhh, they don't play my backyard"-threads/posts...
I basically disagree with every single thing you just said, but I bolded the points that particularly piss me off.

-Look, if you don't like the fact that they're playing new material - don't go see album tours. Suck it up and stop bitching. They tour enought that you have enough opportunities to see them on album OR "hits" tours if you want.

-I'm not sure exactly what you're referring to with "self-indulgent songs no one cares about". Very, very few songs Maiden has ever done truly could qualify under the banner of "self-indulgent", and even when I saw them in 2006 (was a GREAT show, by the way) the majority of the audience still enjoyed the new material.

-The 2005 tour was the "Early Years" Tour. Not sure how exactly you figure people were begging for them to "play the classics". For the record, I was thrilled when I saw the video of Bruce ripping that sign up in New York. Your example comments regarding "fan criticism" are exactly what I hate about a band like Maiden - and the piece of shit fans they can sometimes attract. If your enjoyment of a show depends strictly on hearing one or two songs, please do real fans a favor and stay home. It's not worth hearing raging bullshit because you have a stick up their ass that they didn't play a couple of "hits" (which aren't even hits to begin with) that people who see them somewhat regularly and actually like their catalog are sick of. I initially was opposed to the decision to do the entire new album, because I thought they'd just do like the 5 most generic hits aside from it. But when I saw that they did The Evil That Men Do and 2 Minutes to Midnight instead of Run to the Hills and Number of the Beast, I couldn't have been happier. They actually grew a sack for once and took a chance in order to give their hardcore fans a show that they were never going to get a second chance to see. I am proud to have seen that tour, and if the next album is as good, I hope they do something similar.

Yeah, I'm pretty pissed. Don't take it too personally, but you basically pressed all of my buttons.
Me too. I don't get the bitching about that 06 tour, when they did whole damn tours of ALL classics the tour before and tour after. Quit it. Seriously.
...In the case of Atlanta, I suspect the reason why the tour is not coming here is that all of the venues here suitable for a show like this are controlled by LiveNation, and Iron Maiden's undoubtedly hefty guarantee has them scared.

Live Nation is promoting the tour. It is in the press release on Maiden's website announcing the tour.
If your enjoyment of a show depends strictly on hearing one or two songs, please do real fans a favor and stay home. It's not worth hearing raging bullshit because you have a stick up their ass that they didn't play a couple of "hits" (which aren't even hits to begin with) that people who see them somewhat regularly and actually like their catalog are sick of.

Thank you sir! Well said.
I am quite sick of all these "uuuhhhh, they don't play my backyard"-threads/posts...
I'm sorry, I going to break out of my usual placid demeanor to say, "yea, me too." Honestly, it's very basic. If you live in a metropolitan area, you get better jobs, diversity of entertainment and other benefits AND you live with crowds, traffic, high taxes, crime etc. If you live in a less populated area, you have less traffic, crime, metal shows etc. You can't have both. I'm sick to death of people saying, "Hey, why don't they tour in my little neck of the woods." Why don't you move somewhere more populated if it matters to you that much and deal with the pain of living in such an environment? Sorry, you don't have my sympathy.

As for Atlanta, that somehow is an exception. Big city, less metal. Definitely unfair.
I'm sorry, I going to break out of my usual placid demeanor to say, "yea, me too." Honestly, it's very basic. If you live in a metropolitan area, you get better jobs, diversity of entertainment and other benefits AND you live with crowds, traffic, high taxes, crime etc. If you live in a less populated area, you have less traffic, crime, metal shows etc. You can't have both. I'm sick to death of people saying, "Hey, why don't they tour in my little neck of the woods." Why don't you move somewhere more populated if it matters to you that much and deal with the pain of living in such an environment? Sorry, you don't have my sympathy.

As for Atlanta, that somehow is an exception. Big city, less metal. Definitely unfair.

The problem is metal bands back in the 80's did come to "my neck of the woods".Huntsville and Birmingham always had hair/thrash/NWBHM metal bands back during those times.I think people my age (32) remember that and it really sucks to see that our type of metal doesn't come anymore.I agree with the Atlanta thing,it boggles the mind........
It's not like the show in the South wouldn't be successful, right? It would sell out no matter the price.
Perhaps, given other commitments (festival appearances, etc.), the band has X number of days in which do to do a tour. During that span of time they need to account for both travel time and time to rest. So, rather than swing down to the south and sell out an arena for 12,000, they'll spend more time in the northeast where they can do 20,000.

The problem is metal bands back in the 80's did come to "my neck of the woods".
Metal was popular back then, and the smaller markets had the demographics to support the tours. Clearly the don't any more. Obviously these bands aren't skipping your states out of spite; they're doing so for financial reasons.

I am quite sick of all these "uuuhhhh, they don't play my backyard"-threads/posts...

I appreciate that people are frustrated and upset. However, this board (as a whole) feels a strange compulsion to start a new thread to discuss old topics. On most other boards, you use the search feature, find the topic you want to talk about and post your thoughts there. Not directed at the OP, just an observation.

I'm sorry, I going to break out of my usual placid demeanor to say, "yea, me too." Honestly, it's very basic. If you live in a metropolitan area, you get better jobs, diversity of entertainment and other benefits AND you live with crowds, traffic, high taxes, crime etc. If you live in a less populated area, you have less traffic, crime, metal shows etc. You can't have both.
Exactly. You take the good with the bad, and you live where the trade-offs are most appealing to you.
For those of you that seem to be missing Palabra's point of the thread, it is a frustrated rant, that I'm particularly sympathetic to.

Any way you slice it, it flat out doesn't make any sense that Iron Maiden or any other "popular" metal band to not at least hit the Atlanta and Nashville markets in the south. The same goes for the TSO Spring and Heaven & Hell tours, there are no excuses! Sorry for the lack of better words, but it is total bullshit! (shrugs)

Perhaps, given other commitments (festival appearances, etc.), the band has X number of days in which do to do a tour. During that span of time they need to account for both travel time and time to rest. So, rather than swing down to the south and sell out an arena for 12,000, they'll spend more time in the northeast where they can do 20,000.

Metal was popular back then, and the smaller markets had the demographics to support the tours. Clearly the don't any more. Obviously these bands aren't skipping your states out of spite; they're doing so for financial reasons.


I appreciate that people are frustrated and upset. However, this board (as a whole) feels a strange compulsion to start a new thread to discuss old topics. On most other boards, you use the search feature, find the topic you want to talk about and post your thoughts there. Not directed at the OP, just an observation.

Exactly. You take the good with the bad, and you live where the trade-offs are most appealing to you.

Oh,I know that.I realize my type of metal isn't appreciated anymore around where I live.I'm just simply saying looking back at what it was around here and how much it meant compared to how people just snub their noses at it now is mind boggling.
Atlanta is not a small market and to think that bands like Maiden can't get enough support to play there is too confusing for me to comprehend.
As far as whther or not this thread should have been brought up;I understand the frustration of those who are tired of things like this being talked about(beating a dead horse).But forums are a good outlet for emotions and I'm not going to tell someone to not vent when they need to.Maybe we should go see Dr. Drew on VH1:lol:
Yep, south screwed again. I am pissed. Did they not learn anything from last year's show in Sunrise, FL? The place was packed.
It all depends on how economically viable travelling south would be.

I have no idea how large the venues are in any given town, but as Zod said, if the reality is that what you consider a "packed" FL show only being 60% of what they would sell in a larger market, then there you go.

Also, any band is going to concentrate on hitting the most larger markets in the least amount of miles and time possible.

I truly am sympathetic and understand the frustration.

"Business" is the operative word of the term "music business".....
I say move to the north.

Some people live in the south cause of family, work, or they like the warmer weather / can't take the cold.

I choose to live up north for my metal and music. :)
let's see Atlanta is one of the 10 largest cities in the US. Has the busiest airport in the WORLD....But gets screwed ALL the time by metal bands....makes no sense...
It all depends on how economically viable travelling south would be.

I have no idea how large the venues are in any given town, but as Zod said, if the reality is that what you consider a "packed" FL show only being 60% of what they would sell in a larger market, then there you go.

Also, any band is going to concentrate on hitting the most larger markets in the least amount of miles and time possible.

I truly am sympathetic and understand the frustration.

"Business" is the operative word of the term "music business".....

But you don't think a band like Iron Maiden, who hasn't played in a city like Atlanta with Bruce in about 15 years, wouldn't draw well here?

People would be a lot more willing and likely to make the 3-5 hour drive from Alabama, Mississippi, Tennessee, SC, NC, etc than they would be to make a 12 hour trek.

Economics aren't really a problem.