Are you kidding me?

General Zod

Ruler of Australia
May 1, 2001
New Jersey

We're trillions of dollars in debt, yet they're willing to send everyone $100 if we'll let Exxon destroy Alaska? How incredibly creative of them. They've now taken to bribing us... with our own money. We truly live in country of morons.

If we don't do something in the 2006/2008 elections, to stop the corporate lobbies from completely destroying this country, we're doomed.

Yeah I read that earlier. Good stuff! I'm sure that extra $100 will come in handy next time Johnny Commuter spends $600 on gas for his Canyonero next week.

I haven't done my research yet so this is certainly half-cocked (as opposed to my usual thoroughly educated rantings :loco: ), but when I heard Bushy was trying to relax the environmental standards for gas I figured that was his coup de grace on getting max profits for his oil buddies. "Gouging? Check. Unnecessary war? Check. Now if we can only get that lousy EPA off our backs... hey I know!!!"
Yay we'll all be paying $2.99 instead of $3.29 come next month.

Here's the fucked up part... who would the $100 go to (in the end)? Exxon. Essentially, it's a giant fucking corporate give away. The gov't gives us $100, we spend it on gas, and then Exxon doesn't have to spend their own money destroying Alaska. Fucking amazing. This idea that the current administration wants us to cut our dependence on oil is a lie. If they want us to use less gas, then why give us money to buy more of it?

A rebate check? That is gay. Lower the damn price of gas!!!!!!!! That will save us money and the gas companies will still make a profit no matter what. I had to pay a ton of money extra for flights for MM3 cause of the gas prices....
that article is pretty funny, especially where they called it a bold plan

i don't think rebates or simply lowering prices will solve anything
on the same page>

In January, Exxon posted the highest quarterly profits of any public company in history: $10.71 billion for the fourth quarter of 2005 and $36.13 billion for the full year.

Howard Silverblatt, a senior index analyst for Standard & Poor's, said the latest profit figure still places Exxon fifth historically among quarterly earnings. Exxon also holds the first, second and fourth spots; Royal Dutch Shell PLC has the third spot.

In the first quarter, net income rose to $8.4 billion, or $1.37 per share, from $7.86 billion, or $1.22 per share, a year ago. Roughly three-quarters of that profit came from the company's upstream division, which produces oil and natural gas.


these fuckers make me sick theyre just thieves and rapists with the law on thier side

why do you think you have such a fucking dimwit as president?
oil gotta spend money to make money
i will one day own a simple 26-acre lot in east texas. man i hope there's oil in that ground. oil companies have asked us before if they can drill. just for them to lease the land will make me rich. not to mention it's covered in trees, which means the lumber companies will pay me for the lumber. :kickass:

kind of a moot point since that money will go towards higher energy costs....and the occasional CD
jeez. what a fuckarow all the way around. what makes me truly sick is that when i go fill up the car with liquid dinosaur, im putting cash straight into the pockets of authoritarian regimes such as nigeria, venezuela, whats-their-face-istan. ten years ago, when gas was $15 a barrell, these countries were being forced to join the rest of the world. now thats its $70, they all say, "fuck that! we're rich! again!"
Reign in Acai said:
The Corn out of ass > Corn Ethanol

The Oil from her hair > Hakmed Tea

Her pissing on a fallen tree in the forest > Royal Carnage

Jana Kaderabkova >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Barbara Nakedwhore