The Steelers should be the favorites.....but I think Vegas will go with Seattle because of the regular season record. And because they represnt the NFC.....I think it's biased that way.

Anyway, I predicted they would run the tables on the AFC. Especially against the Broncos because I have no faith in Jake Plummer. Here's a '98 second-round pick that has been a relative bust his entire career. Had that one great year where they knocked off Dallas in a Wildcard game.....and nothing since then. I've never seen him step up.....I don't think he has the overall game to be one of the greats. AND.....time to shave off that Bigfoot beard. Johnny Damon did it.....your turn, Jake! (LOL)

Those Seahawk uniforms have to be the worst in the NFL.....I can't stand when teams wear their solids. Just reminds me too much of the XFL or NFL Europe. I think it looks minor-league if you ask me. Look at the class teams of the league.....the Bears, the Cowboys, the Raiders, the Chiefs, the Steelers.....have never messed with their original uniforms for the most part and have never tamperd with the logo. But Seattle's uni's are by far the worst.


MyHatred said:
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: NO, thank YOU for the laugh.

Steelers will win
I was a part of that joke too (On the being laughed at side) I had Broncos v. Panthers too..

But The Steelers have proven to be the best team in football this year by beating the best team on their home field (Colts) Seattle hasn't beaten anyone half as tough.....Steelers win a very one sided Super Bowl!!
Yeah, I really was hoping for the Panther's to win it too. I just think the Superbowl this year is going to be a boring blowout of a game. A couple people in my office are going to it. They paid ridiculous prices for their tickets though. $1800 for 2 tickets and they are nosebleed seats at that:ill: . I'll stay home with my regular priced beer, no parking fee in my driveway, my chicken wings that won't make me sick for the next 3 days, no line at the bathroom and better view of the game, thank you very much. Plus I HATE going to Detroit!
MyHatred said:
I'll stay home with my regular priced beer, no parking fee in my driveway, my chicken wings that won't make me sick for the next 3 days, no line at the bathroom and better view of the game, thank you very much. Plus I HATE going to Detroit!
My sentiments exactly!!!
Edgerrin James inks deal with Cardinals


Associated Press

3/12/2006 4:53:25 PM

TEMPE, Ariz. (AP) - Edgerrin James ran off to the Arizona Cardinals on Sunday, agreeing to a four-year, $30 million US contract with a long-downtrodden franchise that had the worst running game in the league a year ago.


Now that's intelligent. Leaving a team that will probably compete for the Super Bowl for the next five years.....and accepting a contract from a team that will probably not even finish .500 over the next five years. Can anyone spell W-H-O-R-E?
La Rocque said:
The Arizona Cardinals will win their division in 2 years -

You really think that will happen? Even so, they'll still be below .500. Imagine.....a 6-10 team winning the division. Pathetic.

In two years, that shit-ass of an NFL team will be playing in Los Angeles or Mexico City. It's a disgrace that Phoenix even has a team. Can't support, the Cardinals, can't support the Coyotes, Chase Field has been sitting vacant since 2001.....and is half-empty even at the best of times. Phoenix is the worst possible city that you could have a professional sports franchise in. Next to Las Vegas.

Face it.....Phoenix is nothing more than an alternative Spring Training state, populated with well-to-do seniors. Or a haven for seniors to spend the winter away from the cold. Who's only activity is to hit the golf courses each day. It's an old city with older people. There's no energy there.....or young people. At best, it can only support 1 pro franchise. Be lucky you have Nash and the Suns!
Well, I've lived here my whole life, this city isn't exactly as you describe. As far as the Cardinals go, they have no excuse. They're fucked as long as Bidwell is running the show.