Are you scared of death?

What does death have to do with "a horrible end"? To my knowledge, they're fairly different concepts.
Originally posted by Kylie Minogue
Fuck off. Twat. Next?

I asked you a pretty fucking simple and valid question, cunt. The least you could've done was answer it without resorting to half-assed attempt at a flame.
Originally posted by Nogie
aawwwww.... We have a new troll.... FUN! :rolleyes:

Eh. Shup goway. :erk:

Right, because asking a FUCKING QUESTION and getting flamed for it is FUCKING TROLLING. Christ, you people are completely retarded.
Originally posted by Kylie Minogue
Fuck yourself donkey, and be original. Sheesh.

Original like you calling me a "donkey" and telling me to "fuck myself"? You're dumber than I realized.

Then again, starting a topic like this and then insisting that death MUST be horrible is pretty fucking dumb by itself, so I guess I shouldn't be TOO surprised.
Originally posted by Horgh
Original like you calling me a "donkey" and telling me to "fuck myself"? You're dumber than I realized.

Then again, starting a topic like this and then insisting that death MUST be horrible is pretty fucking dumb by itself, so I guess I shouldn't be TOO surprised.

You're not the donkey, my love.