Are you scared of death?

I would have to go with a yes on that. As of right now atleast I have too much to live for, and have many things that I have yet to accomplish.
If everyone would just try and understand what death really is, and quit clinging so hard to life they may actually be able to free up enough of that energy spent fearing and clinging to be able to truly enjoy The Moment. That's just my opinion. Take it for what it's worth.

When death comes for me I will seduce her. I will love her. We will be locked forever in an eternal embrace. In a sense death is a return to the womb. A return to creation. They are two inseperable sides of the same coin.

I can't wait to come home.
Originally posted by BlackParagon
When death comes for me I will seduce her. I will love her. We will be locked forever in an eternal embrace. In a sense death is a return to the womb. A return to creation. They are two inseperable sides of the same coin.

Man, I thought that was only in songs! I didn't know anyone actually talked like that!! :rolleyes:
Well, to be honest, this thread is gay as fuck. So I thought I'd wax poetic in an attempt to mock the insignificance of this thread. Yeah, these are true words but I keep them to myself and my songwriting normally.
To get to the post topic.

Death is inevitable, everyone has to go through it, it's really the only thing that is guarenteed in your lifetime, therefore, you shouldn't fear it, yet people fear the unknown.

It's a touchy subject, not one easily to understand.
Originally posted by AfAiRJudgEmenT
To get to the post topic.

Death is inevitable, everyone has to go through it, it's really the only thing that is guarenteed in your lifetime, therefore, you shouldn't fear it, yet people fear the unknown.

It's a touchy subject, not one easily to understand.
nor is it a subject to delve into in the OPETH forum. And the person that caused the thread to degenerate from it's supposed "valid topic" was the person that started the thread. This so-called Kylie Minogue. Funny thread though, in that I can't believe I've wasted so much time with it. Though I did get a good laugh at some of my posts. My pleading for her to kill herself, and my acting as though I am some sort of fucking guru particularly. It's great. And gay.
A person's beliefs are not anyone else's matters nor problems than the person's him/herself.

I think one is not very wise if he/she judges someone just because of his/her religion or way of life.
Originally posted by Lolita Vampiriá
A person's beliefs are not anyone else's matters nor problems than the person's him/herself.

I think one is not very wise if he/she judges someone just because of his/her religion or way of life.

You should quote people when posting a reply to a particular post. Contextually your reply lost me. I would like to assume you were talking about the criticism of Christianity, and not anything I said. But regardless, what you've done with your post is a bit judgemental too wouldn't you say? What if someone's way of life or religion involves judging others? Nobody's right. It's all relative to the observer. Criticizing those who judge is an interesting one. Nearly paradoxical in it's contradictory nature.
Originally posted by BlackParagon
You should quote people when posting a reply to a particular post. Contextually your reply lost me. I would like to assume you were talking about the criticism of Christianity, and not anything I said. But regardless, what you've done with your post is a bit judgemental too wouldn't you say? What if someone's way of life or religion involves judging others? Nobody's right. It's all relative to the observer. Criticizing those who judge is an interesting one. Nearly paradoxical in it's contradictory nature.

I do know when quote...
Actually in this case my reply does not refer to any other post directly. I am just sick and tired of all the whining about Christianity and other religions because it always ends up a fight in these kinds of forums. Or everywhere for that matter...

There should be criticism (in my opinion). But it seems to me that nobody listens to any other's opinions anyway so why bother.

Yes, I am fed up.