Are you scared of death?

I like this Kylie person cause they give me an excuse to use stupid pictures like this:

Kylie: are you scared of death? Catch my drift? This flaming is pretty weak. This thread is weak. You're weak. Giving you at least a small benefit of the doubt by allowing for the possibility that your original question was semi-legitimate, I can see why you tend to focus on the idea of dying a horrible death. If I were you I'd see it coming too. I'm sure that everyone around you wants you dead. Alot of suicides can be horrible. Try drinking some Drano. There's an idea. Confront your fears and do the world and yourself a favor. Kill many birds. But enough advice. I'm sure you'll do what is best.:wave: And about death: What the fuck is there to be afraid of? Do people spend their lives ruminating over how terrifying birth was? So come on. Quit being such a fucking pussy and kill yourself! Kill yourself! Kill yourself! Kill yourself! Kill yourself! Kill yourself! Kill yourself! Kill yourself! Kill yourself! Kill yourself! Kill yourself! Kill yourself! Kill yourself! Kill yourself! Kill yourself! Kill yourself! Kill yourself! Kill yourself! Kill yourself! Kill yourself! Kill yourself! Kill yourself! Kill yourself... ad infinitum
I laugh with death. If I have to die tomorrow, then it be so. It wouldn't make it worser. But as long as I live I enjoy it.
BTW Kylie. You're redhaired, not? :p
Hahahahaahaaaaa.... This is one of the most amusing threads I've seen in a awhile.

I was truly expecting a very somber discussion about death, but it's just a flame war! And a funny one, too.

Y'know, what's really funny to me is the idea that it could be the REAL Kylie Minogue sitting at a computer telling people to fuck off... That in itself is fucking hilarious.

Kylie's back, and she's got an attitude the size of Australia! Get 'em Ky! haahahaahaha