Are You There?

toolsofthetrade said:
Danny, how much are you - singing wise - influenced by Nick Drake?
loads like. i'd be influenced by thom yorke and jeff buckley too but i can't go high like them though. nick's just in me range :)
pagan2002 said:
loads like. i'd be influenced by thom yorke and jeff buckley too but i can't go high like them though. nick's just in me range :)
and it was a contaminating listen we had.
i found a heavy weight vinyl version of Five Leaves Left in Bristol :hotjump:
i just love his stuff now, thanx for that. good ones always die young. so watch the road if yer crossing it, you hear? :p
it's not really just about our mother though that story has influenced the song like. i just hope yous all make your own interpretations of the songs, and don't speculate on what i actually felt. its a bit too personal to be honest. cheers..
pagan2002 said:
it's not really just about our mother though that story has influenced the song like. i just hope yous all make your own interpretations of the songs, and don't speculate on what i actually felt. its a bit too personal to be honest. cheers..

Cheers and thanks, the album will be great! :)
just tremble?? I should buy it over the internet because I went into a store to buy it I think I'd just see the CD, touch it for a second, then I'd probably collapse and fart! considering the sheer tension that would be in me at that moment!
somnium_in_tenebris said:
yeh,ive gotten tired of gfs dumping me.ive gone straight now.


don't give up on the lesbian thing, we men think it's hot, so you can get everyone you want to( if you look good)
Ahhhhhh...! I want to go to england tomorrow morning and when I get inside HMV I'll see a little pre-release of "A Natural Disaster".... aaaaaaaaaaaaaahahaha, as if that's gonna happen..