Area 54

Originally posted by Stimpy The Great
If Blaze wasn't in Maiden, Area 54 would be bigger than them too.

What bigger than Maiden! :eek: :lol: ;)

I think you'll find that a lot of Blaze's popularity has nothing to do with Maiden. It's because of the greatest live metal band of all time WOLFSBANE. :headbang: The Maiden stuff he did was good but not THAT good.

As for 54, as I've always said I don't mind 'em (I must like them to an extent I travelled 60 miles to see them play in front of 3 people and the support band!).
They are promising and obviously have a lot of talent, but if people think they will break out of the club scene and become big they are (unfortunatly) wrong.

Anyway, I'll get me coat.

P.S. and yes I do own NVS and I will be buying the new album when it comes out.
Area 54 would Bigger than Maiden? I didn't say that at all. I said Blaze are only as big as they are because he was once in Maiden. I'll break it down a little more for you. If Blaze Bayley had never been in Maiden, Blaze the band would not be as big as they are. Don't twist my words. I'm not Mad Girl, I don't care if you Own Area 54 stuff or not, I don't care if you like them or not, I just care when you and Marshan Man talk shit(though it's usually Marshan Man).
Stimpy - I totally agree with you re Area 54 and Blaze.

Area 54 are *still* an upcoming British metal band (and one of the only ones that actually plays metal). It's taking a long time, but without the media to back them up, they get no exposure. No exposure means less fans, simply because they've not heard of the band.

Blaze are an awesome band, but a lot of their success has come from Mr Bayley's previous achievements. This is not a bad thing - it's just marketing - people know the name, they buy the music. A lot more people would buy Area 54 CDs if they'd ever heard of them. I guarantee it.

Marshan are also a very cool band - but this is not their thread.

In conclusion, book '54 for Bloodstock, watch their music video on TV and buy their new Album on the 21st of April. You know it makes sense.
[originally posted by black lagoon[/I]

What bigger than Maiden!

I think you'll find that a lot of Blaze's popularity has nothing to do with Maiden. It's because of the greatest live metal band of all time WOLFSBANE. The Maiden stuff he did was good but not THAT good.

As for 54, as I've always said I don't mind 'em (I must like them to an extent I travelled 60 miles to see them play in front of 3 people and the support band!).
They are promising and obviously have a lot of talent, but if people think they will break out of the club scene and become big they are (unfortunatly) wrong.

That's pretty damn accurate!

:lol: We're going to have to stop agreeing with each other here!

Also with all due respect to Area 54 they're not in the same league as Blaze in any form. There's no doubting their fans loyalty but evidence strongly suggests that their fanbase is rather small. And I'm sure most of you will all come to see Blaze & co anyway, even if you pretend you're not ;)

I don't know enough about the band to pass much more comment but I think the singer is a very good guitarist and a talented songwriter but his vocals sound like Noel Gallagher which is a not a metal voice! With a proper frontman on board then maybe they could achieve better things and get some sort of decent record deal.

Also I know this is Area 54's thread but I pass comment on just about every thread on here (both Neg & Pos) 'cause I think Bloodstock is an awesome event. Maybe there are other fests that would cater more Area 54's sound?!
Originally posted by Eagle
Maybe there are other fests that would cater more Area 54's sound?! [/B]

Eh? We are talking about the same festival, aren't we? Bloodstock? Heavy Metal?

Going by the choices made in Bloodstock '01, Bloodstock caters more for Area 54's sound than any other festival currently still running on this planet. The only exception is that 54 don't just ape the late 80's sound, they renew it.
How are they not in the same league? They have played many of the same venues and the only difference is that the million or so Iron Maiden fans have heard of Blaze already. Do you think that might give him a slight advantage over a previously unheard of band whose last label did NOTHING to promote them?

I sound more like Liam than he does, I think you are deliberately missing the point here. They have just got a record deal so the label obviously don't think the band need a new singer. I can understand it if the singing isn't to your taste (maybe I'd prefer it if the vocals were death-metal) but I'm sure it hasn't harmed their career. Their fanbase can't be that small either because there are normally just as many people in '54 T-shirts as there are Blaze T-shirts at gigs, and considering the massive publicity advantage that Blaze have, I think Area54 fight their corner rather well. Whether I like Blaze or pretend not to go to their gigs was never in question, I think Blaze are very good, I'm just pointing out that if there was an ex-Maiden guy in '54, Blaze would be supporting them.
onGoing by the choices made in Bloodstock '01, Bloodstock caters more for Area 54's sound than any other festival

Bloodstock has progressed since '01'! '02' was much better. Hopefully '03' will be better still(I doubt it though unless they can bring back Freedom Call, Blind Guardian and Gamma Ray! And so on, and so on, and so on ...

How are they not in the same league? They have played many of the same venues

They've also shared stages with many other top bands but that doesn't mean they're musically in the same league. It's like comparing Man Utd to Hull City. Both have played at the now derelict Boothferry Park.

I think Area54 fight their corner rather well

I couldn't agree more! I even stated that they've got a very loyal bunch of fans!

At the end of the day you can all slag me and try and convert me or put me right. But my mind is made up. And in my mind I don't think Area 54 are currently good enough to be playing at this year's bloodstock. If they do get a gig though I wish them all the best and hope they prove me wrong and if they don't I can always vacate to the metal market or have an orange juice in the bar.

I now choose to end my input on this thread.
Originally posted by Eagle
Bloodstock has progressed since '01'! '02' was much better. Hopefully '03' will be better still

Dude - that is really a personal thing. I know lots of people who'd rather the festival wasn't dominated by European power Metal bands again, in complete contrast to your opinion.
At the end of the day you can all slag me and try and convert me or put me right. But my mind is made up. And in my mind I don't think Area 54 are currently good enough to be playing at this year's bloodstock.
I wouldn't try and convert you - you are totally entitled to your opinions - hell, the vast Majority of this planet hate 54 - and any other rock based outfit. But facts are facts, and Lakis don't sound much like Liam G.

I know what confused you, tho... Lakis has to be about the only vocalist in metal singing rather than shouting/screaming/growling/wailing who is under 40. Those above 40 were all there the first time round.
Ok then, you've decided to drop the popularity thing and the vocals thing and now moved on to how the two bands compare musically.

The fact is that the main focus of Blaze is the vocals, and everything else takes a bit of a back seat. We both know that Blaze aren't half as technical as 54 (this isn't a slight against Blaze, their music suits the overall style very well and I wouldn't want them to change anything) but to suggest that there is any shortfall of musicianship in 54 is thoroughly ignorant. I don't know if you play an instrument but I can assure you that you would have a much easier time learning a Blaze song note for note than you would an Area54 song. It's one thing to throw criticism at Lakis's vocals but his guitar work is without equal.

No one slagged you off, in fact the main target of my earlier post was Marshan Man, who seems to think that if 54 play at Bloodstock it will harm Marshan (which it won't) and has been taking cheap shots at 54 for a while now.

I don't expect to be able to educate you about musical matters in such a short time and I'm glad you've seen that it isn't worth posting any more of your negative shit on this thread
Area 54 Rule
Marshan Rule

there's room for them all to co-exist happily can't we all get along :)
:) for Caroline!

We should all get along, metal fans should be united since we've already got the rest of the world against us. Peace out.
Originally posted by Stimpy The Great

The fact is that the main focus of Blaze is the vocals, and everything else takes a bit of a back seat. We both know that Blaze aren't half as technical as 54 (this isn't a slight against Blaze, their music suits the overall style very well and I wouldn't want them to change anything) but to suggest that there is any shortfall of musicianship in 54 is thoroughly ignorant. I don't know if you play an instrument but I can assure you that you would have a much easier time learning a Blaze song note for note than you would an Area54 song. It's one thing to throw criticism at Lakis's vocals but his guitar work is without equal.

Hey there matey,

Ok, first off....I just wanna say I am a massive fan of Area 54, always have been since I first heard them in '00, however, I am a bigger fan of B L A Z E, and I work for the band doing numerous things so I probably do have a little biased where this is concerned.

You do have a point regarding what you say about Blaze being the main reason why the band are as well known as they are... but to be fair the amount of Maiden fans who disliked the Blaze era Maiden albums kinda cancels things out because he's been done no favours in terms of Maiden era reviews, and fans opinions on "Bruce's Replacement".

As for the technical comment... yes, Area 54 are great musicians in my opinion, and I being a guitarist myself have had numerous discussions with Lakis about guitar harmonies, and how I appreciate the way they master Megadeth/Metallica esque riffage, and the Maiden esque Harmonies. However, to say that Area 54 are "Twice as" technical than B L A Z E axe men Wray and Slater, surely needs some re-evaluation. Steve Wray is one of the most technical guitarists I have ever had the pleasure of listening and watching to, and their grip on Melody and Riffs is something to be admired.

Just as you were saying.... I am not taking anything away from 54, because despite many comments I have seen aimed at slagging them off.... I really think 54 are a fantastic band, and I would love to see them at Bloodstock.

So, in an attempt to restore this thread to the purpose of which it was intented.... C'mon you Bloodstock organizers, get 54 at Bloodstock!!!!!!!!!!

Right, im going to come in, with NO knowledge of how to PLAY music... but i know what i like to hear.

BLAZE & Area 54 are my 2 favourite bands. Dont ask me to say which i prefer, i couldnt do it. If both of them play bloodstock '03, like they did in '01, ill have a fantastic time.

All i know is, i think both bands make heavy, yet intricate music.. i can spend hours delving into the songs of both bands, both lyrically & musically! I think both bands - though have seperate subject matter for the most part, make interesting music.

The last thing id do though is compare them! Personally i think they have 2 very distinctive styles.... its like trying to compare 2 brothers... they come from the same roots maybe, but are ulrtimately 2 different people.

so yeah, like the Good lady caroline said. Chill.. and remember that crap (but compelling) Anti 'Nam song?

'Why Cant We Be Friends?'

Oh, for the record, i also think Marshan rock too.. though only seen them once live.. and am happily looking forward to seeing them again :)
Originally posted by Stimpy The Great
Area 54 would Bigger than Maiden? I didn't say that at all.

I know. Thats why I put a ;) behind what I said. I was having a laugh!

As for all getting along, we do don't we? I might speak my mind and get on a few peoples tits but I certainly don't hate ANYONE over what music they like or dislike, and anyone who does really deserves a slap. (not from me, from a big bloke or something :lol:)

I do strangely find myself agreeing with Eagle, and he is someone I've taken the piss out of in the past for his love of all things cheesy Eurometal, but I think Eagle doesn't take things to heart like some.
Loved the Boothferry Park comparisson! :lol:
Originally posted by Stimpy The Great

No one slagged you off, in fact the main target of my earlier post was Marshan Man, who seems to think that if 54 play at Bloodstock it will harm Marshan (which it won't) and has been taking cheap shots at 54 for a while now.

A) :p :p :p :p :p :p :p

B) u got me all wrong, i liked 54.. have seen em many times... see my gig pictures & reviews that are on the marshan board from past gigs...

but i like marshan more... and to quote

Originally posted by Marshan Man
id love both....but if it comes down to one or the other, 54 have had they're chance, time to get new blood in there

:p if its a bill like last year.. i think 54 would fit in perfectly with their widdly solos... but prefer a more groove orientated band these days... hence why i want marshan, goblin and am glad Blaze is on the bill
is it just me or has this gone totally of course, i started this thread in order for those who would like 54 to play, to post their request, not to have some on going debate, bout who is better ner ner ner !!!

music is like religion, it shouldnt be argued, and is personal from one person to another, so get off your high horses, and stick to the point!!

many thanks!!!
