Area 54

I didn't want to start on here, but when I went to the Mashan site and saw that Marshan Man wrote 'those wankers in Area 54 treat their fans like shit' in a thread called 'cheers for coming to Dudley' it annoyed me because it's very two faced of him as he posts on the Area 54 site and it's rubbish anyway.Funny how the thread has dissapeared though (one of the perks of being the Mashan moderator of thier forum, eh Marshan Man?)

On a positive note to Bloodstock : GET AREA 54 TO PLAY PLEASE!!
well at teh time.. i was VERY angry with 54 over an particulare issue... i have since talked with others, calmed down, and understood the other side of the argument, so i felt that that thread was no longer relevent, and hurtful to sum friends. and yes i do post on 54, and have since 54 played bloodstock 01 when i first saw em...

now lets please stick this stuff in a cone, and lets all have a smoke!
I agree with Charlotte (probably cos she'd kick my ass if I didn't) shut the fuck up. If you want Area54 to play thne let the promoters or whoever read this forum know you want them to play. Seriously, if you all keep bitching and whining at each other then people are going to think it's not worth the hassle.

are there any mp3's availible to hear area 54, as im very intrigued by all these arguements and would like to hear them myself. cheers.
I do seriously think that 54 should get a slot at the Ozfest (with maiden replacing ozzy) thing at donnington. Maiden are headling the saturday with limp biscuit the sun. Other bands on the bill include marilyn monroe and the deftones.

54 for bloodstock..!!!

( how did i get bought into this ??)

as long as ive been posting about this band .which is more than 2 years. it seems like most people have varied views .. there have been arguments galore.. most of which were not helped by me blowin my top etc. i finally realised it wasnt worth blowing up anymore cuz it made me look like a pain in the ass and reflected badly on the band.

however everyone does have an opnion and fair enough to those whoe dont like Lakis' voice.

i personally liked it from word go which is why they were the first band to get me obsessed, plus their sound... the whole package for me was worth promoting, and to be fair some people DID get into them thru that.

and as for all the people i had arguments with in the past.. i know that caroline and black lagoon have the album and actually they are mates anyway, as is marshan man who as far as i know does like them.
Hell my own BF doesnt really like them at all.. but it doesnt matter that much at the end of the day.

anyone else ive offended in the past i apologise ! at the time i saw a little bit too much light i guess !! :lol:

and now ... let the fun and games commence !! Blaze rock, and are already on the bill! marshan im not soooo keen on but they are fun to listen to and see live ... and funny people...

as this thread is about area 54
let me say that THEY ROCK!!!!!!!! so purlease make it all worth while stick em on the bill!!!

MG xxx
I accept your humble apology madgirl. Even though I don't think you've ever actually insulted or offended me ;)

If you look at my previous posts you'll see that I've always held Area 54's fan base with a greater esteem then the band themselves.

As for them being on the bill I'm not really bothered either way. From my perspective I'm already happy cause there's some of my fave bands already on. I'd have paid the full price of the 2 day ticket to see Power Quest, Dragonforce, Masterplan, Hammerfall or Nightwish alone anyway but to see them all on the same bill is outstanding. It's also a huge bonus to have Blaze back on the bill and I'm looking forward to seeing Biomechanical again and checking out Mercury Rain and Waylander.

With or Without Area54 it's going to be an excellent day and a half of metal :headbang::headbang::headbang: