Arghoslent in studio

Wires & Waves

New Metal Member
Feb 4, 2006
From their website

Arghoslent is currently in the studio working on their 3rd album "Hornets of the Pogrom'. Songs include: "Swill of the Knaves", “In Coffles They Were Led”, “Terra Nullius”, "Manacled Freightage", "Dog and Broom", "The Grenadier", "Fodder for the Shoah", "The Eugenic Fumigant", etc...

gotta love those song titles
Yeah, I visited their website a couple days ago. Hopefully, they are actually really in the process of recording it this time. They claimed to be recording it a couple years ago. It is long overdue. I can't wait to hear it. Arghoslent FTW.
I wonder what the new vocalist(?) will be like; Von Demonicus's style was a perfect fit for their sound.
In other news, Judas Priest is going into the studio to record a new album with racist lyrics and pointless growled vocals under a pseudonym which they won't disclose. They plan on marketing it as death metal.
im not sure whats more retarded the implication that they sound like judas priest or the implication that this would be a bad thing
I find Arghoslent to be massively overrated. Sure, they stand out in comparison to most modern death metal (melodic death in particular), yet, too many of the riffs are far too 'bouncy' and 'joyous' for my likings - the opening riff in 'Flogging the Cargo' being a prime example. I'll check this album out, nonetheless.