Armadillo madness...

Wait Wait WAIT!!!!!

How the FUCK did this comment get by you guys?????

Am I really the only one who sees the horror in this comment?:lol:

no, but you're possibly the only one that didn't get that your reaction was his intention when he wrote that the way he did.... it wasn't an accidental choice of words... he was trying to make a "funny".

c'mon Carlos.. you're sharper than that, ;)
yeah fyn... going after the pest when he's actually in my yard, and shooting him where i know he actually is...well, it's just dumb of me, isn't it? rather i guess i should look for them at a more sensible hour, like say Noon... when they aren't out and about... and perhaps i should only shoot at them in the perfect environment for shooting... say, a licensed shooting range, with all the proper safety equipment.... even though there are no armadillos there, much less the ones that damage my property. or perhaps out in the country where there's no one to disturb and no law against it. .... er... wait..

or perhaps i should just let them do their damage and pretend it's not happening... seeing as how you've now, in one post, both tried to ridicule me for filling in the holes and for trying stop the cause of them... yeah, that'll work. you are one logical dude.

I've got it! Capture the armadillo, take it to the shooting range, and then kill it.

Seriously, its a fucking armadillo and they are gross. You are right to handle the situation however you want. I am late into this but who cares.
It's way too easy to forget that those sissy liberal European pinko freedom-haters hate guns and love thinly-veiled homoeroticism, in your defense...

You forgot to end your sentence with "God bless America".

... and thefyn, you are why forums need moderation, theaters need ushers, and the internet needs a way of remotely administering duct tape and sedatives.

You are right Jeff, forums need more people like you, respectful and restrained.

Make love with armadillos, not war.
I take it that you're why I need a big, flashy 'SARCASM' GIF handy.


no, but you're possibly the only one that didn't get that your reaction was his intention when he wrote that the way he did.... it wasn't an accidental choice of words... he was trying to make a "funny".

c'mon Carlos.. you're sharper than that, ;)

I suck :erk:

I guess I didn't want to believe that statement of his could have been anything other than an unfortunate choice of words :p
It's done. Step away from the smoking gun and be carried aloft, the hero, on the shoulders of your neighbors.

done and done. i'm still picking the paper off my clothes from the ticker-tape parade... and i'm gonna jump in the shower now, before the champagne that was spraying everywhere starts to stink.

Armadillo Death Squad, FTW!

I want to play in the pornogrind equivalent.

Armadildo Death Squad sounds much more menacing.
It's done. Step away from the smoking gun and be carried aloft, the hero, on the shoulders of your neighbors.

well damn.. glad that's over... whew! but a victory by forfeit is still a victory.... but now, on a totally unrelated note...

my last girlfriend left me a couple weeks back guys.... i don't understand... i mean, everything seemed fine and all i did was give her a nice new handbag, that i made myself. i mean, i think i did a good job, and it looks really nice, i really don't understand her reaction to that at all.

here, you guys take a look at it and see if you can help me figure out why this simple, heartfelt, handmade gift would make her leave so suddeny....

whaddaya think guys?

One of the most amazing threads on this forum.


- James had a problem and solved it his best way. Cartoon way.
- Most of people hate armadillos.
- James has lots of fans and followers
- Just a tiny comment with no intentions about a supposed US "paranoia" may cause a World War.
- People who defended animals in other threads hided their heads like ostriches and didn't post.
- Thefyn was insulted
- Sarcasm is usually misunderstood when written.
- People has different point of views about tits.