What A Horrible Night To Have A Curse
Jun 5, 2002
Kandarian Ruins
I get so many god damn phone calls a day it's RIDICULOUS!!! Only like 3 people that know me have my home phone number because I use my cell phone all the time, but some days the phone rings off the hook (been up 30 minutes today, so far 3 fucking calls o_O ). And they don't even ask for people that exist anymore! Just got a phonecall for "Nancy Smith." Now when fucking morons butcher the OH SO DIFFICULT NAME of Adrian into Adam, Aaron, Andano or wtf ever I can almost understand, but NANCY!?!?

Why do such things exist? I really don't understand what type of people buy into whatever these idiots sell. Lonely people? The elderly? Jehovah's Witnesses? GAH!

:Omg: :wtf: :i'm-not-lolz-ing:
So them shitz work then? Perhaps I shall. I'm from, like California dude, can't you totally tell and some junk? :loco:
Ah. Yeah it completely works. By chance you may get a call like once every... year. If you do you can ask to be put on their personal do not call list, it's against some random law if they don't adhere.
My favorite telemarketer call was the one where the guy got mad at me for asking him to repeat himself, when he was the one calling ME at eight in the morning, on a Saturday. :Spin:
the do not call does work, but like someone said there are loopholes. I quit fucking SBC phone service cause they were such total assholes, and signed up with another company which gives me free caller ID, now when SBC calls (which has been for months) trying to beg me back I just see its them calling and laugh to myself, ah hahaha, fuckszors!
Holy fuck do I need to join this list. Half a dozen people have my number, but low and behold the Los Angeles County Sheriff's department is on my ass for a booster donation. I have 10 damn parking violations written by blind meter maids that can't read that I have time left on the space, yet, they expect me to donate to their program that encourages the use of seatbelts. Like I give a fuck if some drunken driver flies out of the windshield from not wearing his or her shoulder harness?!?!? And they are persistent like you wouldn't believe. They start you off with.

"I got two offers for ya, ya can have a $40 pledge, or a $30 pledge". I reply, "eh I'm a little tight with money". To get them off my backside. Nope doesn't work. "Well Jerry, I'll tell ye what I'm going to do for ya, how about I sign ya up for a $20 dollar pledge and I'll still throw in that back the badge decal free of charge." (I ask them for a website I can check out in a desperate hope to politely get off the line as if I'm going to go do some follow up.) "That there website is, you go check that out, but in the meantime how about I put you down for $10 and still give you that booster decal?" At this time I just gently put the phone down. Oh my.
Holy fuck do I hate meter maids. One time my transmission plum blew out. The only way I could park the thing was on the opposite side of the street. Neighbors call the fuckers up and on the scene comes some Tyrone Jewels looking motherfucker who writes me up. He could care less about my misfortune. There's just no reasoning with these quota hitting homo's.

More recently my engine is overheating because my mechanic "Pepene" who worked on my car putting in a radiator 3 hours prior forgot to clamp one of the damn hoses to the bottom end of one of the valve thingamajiggys. Hence I end up being stuck in the ghetto part of hollywood. Well I proceed to walk inside a laundry mat and fumble through 4 damn yellow page books, all of which have the towing section ripped out of them, all in the search of some automobile relief. After perusing through such trust worthy businesses as "Jorge's All Night Tow", and "WeBder4U Towing" I finally call a schmuck to come assist me with this dilemma. Well to my dismay I walk outside and the vehicle is surrounded by L.A.F.D. Well for some reason, whether I catch them at the wrong time of the day or what, I'm not sure. But I have never had a pleasant experience with fire fighters. Most of them are just outright dickheads. Well they are writing me a ticket for parking within a couple feet of their fire station. This fucking thing was hidden in a damn corner. And In my moment of "oh shit my engines going to blow" I didnt notice that this overpaid gym facility was in my sights. Well I explain the story to no avail. "Bam $50 ticket nice to see ya". Add that to my most recent citation where I leave a bright shiny quarter in the meter, only to drive home and see that some police academy reject wrote me up on a whim, has made me say fuck this city, and fuck your donation requests. Oh and the 8 million mexicans and negroe's doesn't help the cause much either. :erk:
Demilich said:
does Canadia have one of these lists?
This girl I know's family is on something like that. Funny story though, they changed it after the yearly phone book was made for our town so it wasn't printed in it, and I needed to call her for something.I was too lazy to find the phonebook and did a 411 to get the number and I cr eeped her out:err:
One of my best friends was a telemarketer for a while, so I started being a bit more civil to them, because I figure there could be other people out there who also fucking hate their jobs. Sadly all the ones that call me are Indian, and I have a VERY hard time understanding a word they say.
Anyway, she got fired, so now I feel justified in being an asshole to them again
I used to just hang up on them. Though sometimes I'd breathe heavily or keep asking "What?" everytime they said something.

I love not getting calls from them anymore. I hate having a phone. I get anxious when it rings.
NADatar said:
I get so many god damn phone calls a day it's RIDICULOUS!!! Only like 3 people that know me have my home phone number because I use my cell phone all the time, but some days the phone rings off the hook (been up 30 minutes today, so far 3 fucking calls o_O ). And they don't even ask for people that exist anymore! Just got a phonecall for "Nancy Smith." Now when fucking morons butcher the OH SO DIFFICULT NAME of Adrian into Adam, Aaron, Andano or wtf ever I can almost understand, but NANCY!?!?

Why do such things exist? I really don't understand what type of people buy into whatever these idiots sell. Lonely people? The elderly? Jehovah's Witnesses? GAH!

:Omg: :wtf: :i'm-not-lolz-ing:

this is exactly why I don't have a home phone number...
just a cellphone.
I got plauged by this shit for quite a while till I got the bt privacy thing
now its just a few uk phone companies that bother me
my reactions range from "I told you I'm not interested, I'm going to report your company for harassment" to 5 minute rants ending with 'I'm going to fucking kill you if you phone me again'
of course all the call centres are in india now anyway

best thing to do if its handy and you don't need to phone for a while is say youre putting them on hold for a while and leave the phone beside a speaker

or just blow a whistle down the line