S t a r E

Salient, I think you're quite a gifted photographer. Yes, some of it wasn't quite on par with the others, but the few that I have seen you posted up were (notably, the ocean as well as the statue and cross.) Keep it up, because you've got a fan right here.
I loved seeing all that Van Gogh being posted up by some of you, as he's probably one of the many artists I'm quite fond of. He was, an absolute genius. It's such a shame he didn't amount to a thing while he was alive. But yeah, I thought I'd post a piece from him that would fit right at home with the theme Salient strived for in this thread;
Old Man in Sorrow

I think it is brilliant.
Night Cafe with Pool Table

I remember falling in love with this one when taking art history back in high school. Classic setting! Kinda reminiscent of the film "Waking Life" in a sense, as it gives off this dreamy-like, floating imagery. Very unsettling. Lonesome and peaceful at the same time. The colours are warm though, which creates a rather accomodating environment. This has always been one of my faves.
Peach Tree in Bloom

The colour palette is simply incredible.
Anyway, I could be wrong, but I've read lots on him and watched a biography and I believe it's safe to say Van Gogh is an artist that left behind more paintings than any other. The amount he he has created was staggering, though the exact number escapes my mind.

^ My fave from Monet - "The Train in the Snow." Ahh, the beautiful textures and colours. And the atmosphere that the artist conveyed here; one of bitter coldness. At least, that's the feeling that comes to mind for me.
Well, just thought I'd participate here and say a thing or two about a few pieces.