How popular are Katatonia in Sweden?

klar darfst du fragen. ich bin bei berlin, weil ich dort meine freundin besuche. war aber traurigerweise noch nie wirklich in berlin. kenne nur den bahnhof in spandau. :)
Me and some friends have been into Katatonia almost since the
start, but apart from that I seldom meet people who have heard
of them. But that would be people not into metal etc, so..
But my girlfriend loves them, actually :grin:
im from Los Angeles california in america...and there are many katatonia fans least 20 off the top of my head...not even counting the ones i dont know about...and there 49 other states in this country with katatonia fans...european metal is getting extremely popular here. and for the girlfriend likes katatonia too. ;)
it amazes me too, hard rock and metal are becomin popular in the states once again? is this a movement growing against the stupid rap-pop movement? anyone agree or disagree? i especeially want to hear from our american friends.
Originally posted by LordHypnos
im from Los Angeles california in america...and there are many katatonia fans least 20 off the top of my head...not even counting the ones i dont know about...and there 49 other states in this country with katatonia fans...european metal is getting extremely popular here. and for the girlfriend likes katatonia too. ;)

Great! And everykind of metal?