Nice drawing Zowi... keep on the good work. 
Some things need to be fixed, though, try not to blur the lines by using your fingers (it seems that you did that, If I'm not wrong). And the walls need to be worked a bit, more straight lines and it will look better If you darken the one side of the wall.
But the atmoshpere that catches is great, with those raw lines that imply the feelings of that person, he looks prbably desperated.

Some things need to be fixed, though, try not to blur the lines by using your fingers (it seems that you did that, If I'm not wrong). And the walls need to be worked a bit, more straight lines and it will look better If you darken the one side of the wall.
But the atmoshpere that catches is great, with those raw lines that imply the feelings of that person, he looks prbably desperated.