Art Thread

This is not a personal attack on you, Karen, I merely disagree with what you say, and when I see your skill in Photoshop, you kinda owe it to yourself to be a bit less tolerant of all those shitty losers who call their crap "art", because they insult you as well.

and another thing: You know in my art school I see sooooo many bad artists as I see so many good ones. In my first year, I used to really be against all those midiocre "artists" who put people with talent to shame, but you know....
Why should we care if they suck? If they're bad: they'll never make it out there; and the world will belong to those who will shine....
If you want to see what simply is not "good art". Take a trip to London and have a look around the Tate Modern, it's disgusting.
Check out my Lastest Piece of ART!!!
Paint to the Rescue!!!
An interesting argument. I very much agree with Karen's view.

"A Sirius Dream" - my first oil painting for my Painting II class.
Later in life, I hope to revisit this and fix some stuff. The problem with painting projects is I have other things to do so can't do it when I really feel like it and I often lose motivation or the emotions I was feeling at the beginning of the project idea. Oh well.

i like how stormo is all serious and snobbish about 'what is art' and he makes fuckin cartoon pencil drawings with a heavy japanese influence. theres nothing wrong with that but its not he's painting a goddamn Monet. im not saying you have to be a pro to comment, but tone down the fuckin attitude a little.
i like how stormo is all serious and snobbish about 'what is art' and he makes fuckin cartoon pencil drawings with a heavy japanese influence. theres nothing wrong with that but its not he's painting a goddamn Monet. im not saying you have to be a pro to comment, but tone down the fuckin attitude a little.

I'm guilty of it too then. I was not trying to be pompous, but I was interested in discussing what we all mean by art, and positing that I believe it can be defined.

Man guys, I'm excited! I have allot of this thread to catch up on though.

I have waited a long, long time to see a serious art discussion such as this! every where I go it is so hard to talk about art without the thread getting closed down, nanny mods wagging the finger at every one. I'm excited about this discussion so forgive the long ass post :D lol.

Thanks so much Stormie, It's hard to get a crit these days, but of course I'm not so good at giving them out because I'm afraid to upset folks. Anyhow, to answer your questions. I did draw a preliminary sketch free hand on the paper from the photo on my monitor. I then blocked in the details starting with their heads. But like I said I did one draft. I would usually draw somthing this difficult, twice or three times. There was an outline, it's just somtimes you don't see the flaws until your nearly done.

I'll post the photo and jump into the other juicy discussion :)

Its all about the placement of Values baby!!!!

/\ I could not agree with the above more. In painting and with working in color this one eludes some people. Even if all of your colors are of a different hue, if they are the same value or similar the picture will look flat.

Hate it all you want, but no matter what style of art you do, technical knowledge is absolutely necessary.

/\ I agree with that too. Well, with the exception of abstract art. But good composition skills and the understanding of color is helpful with that. I have abstract art from friends so I'm not to hate on it...but it's not my cup of tea really.

You're entering into a heavy philosophy of art conversation here, Stormo. It's difficult to really be clear what art actually is and consequently what constitutes an artist.

I can see what you're getting at, but I tend to disagree.

At a site I used to go to, only one discussion got more ugly then the 2004 election and had to be shut down. lol, it was abstract V realism. Everyone pretty much tends to have their own ideas on what is art. We do live in an age where abstract and modern tends to be the only respected art in high society, circle jerk art groups.

Not true. Post modern and Modern Art requires Little to no skill and people pay millions for pieces.

I'll say this much for them, all of them had mommies and daddy's that paid thousands to get them in art school where they learned to paint their feelings, and they had to know people and spend years honing their reputations. SO it's kind not that rich people think their shit is good, they are buying the name and reputation of the artist and hoping for the piece to appreciate in value.

Here are some of my art beliefs, and I will contradict myself, in that I do believe art is subjective, but I do not think shock art, is art at all. The take a dump in a can type of stuff.

As I agree that you need the skill and need the constructive criticism, I also agree with making art to have fun. Having fun was how I started until I got bored and frustrated and craved more.

I don't agree with people that say you need to be born with some kind of gift. My father and I have gotten into it over this. Hhaha, I know I'm right because I've worked damn hard to finally hit what I believe is intermediate level. I could be wrong on the intermediate thing though because I'm self taught and still banging it into my head. My belief is that perseverance is power in art and if your having fun while working hard at it that you cannot go wrong. That and the wisdom enough to evolve and some thick ass skin :lol:

Also that drawing is a learnable teachable skill. There is no magic. But that it is one of those things that is not so easy to explain. And I am still learning. I will also agree with what was said that it is never perfect, even if it were it is never perfect to yourself. Your vision is always ahead of your execution.

I am not upset over Stormies crit though guys, I respect him and his opinion and I need the info. And thanks everyone for the comments on it! HUGS.

Need to read more I've been posting this forever!
An interesting argument. I very much agree with Karen's view.

"A Sirius Dream" - my first oil painting for my Painting II class.
Later in life, I hope to revisit this and fix some stuff. The problem with painting projects is I have other things to do so can't do it when I really feel like it and I often lose motivation or the emotions I was feeling at the beginning of the project idea. Oh well.


Damn Jace, mail it to me! LOL Just kidding. I do love this. Happens to me all the time. Shoot it happened with the one I posted. I lost all motivation some two weeks into it. :(

You know, it's not perfect, but the likeness is definitely there!

Compared to the photograph, I think the distortion really isn't a huge issue. The piece has a lot of heart in it, and I'm sure it made a wonderful gift :)
Good post. Yeah, like I said above, art's different for everyone, but I think we all can agree that simplicity is only acceptable if it stems from a choice, rather than a limited ability.

This may have been asked in a different way, so I apologize for not speaking artsy, but... can't you choose limited ability?

i like how stormo is all serious and snobbish about 'what is art' and he makes fuckin cartoon pencil drawings with a heavy japanese influence. theres nothing wrong with that but its not he's painting a goddamn Monet. im not saying you have to be a pro to comment, but tone down the fuckin attitude a little.
Cute. I don't know what you have against me, but:

1) I don't make "cartoon pencil drawings"
2) Aside from perhaps unintentionally oversized eyes, there's no "heavy japanese influence" in my drawings
3) Don't tell me to tone down the "attitude" if you haven't contributed a shred to this discussion
4) The fact that you've never posted anything in this thread ever leads me to believe you've never actually made anything even resembling art
5) I've never seen you post even one actually useful comment on these boards ever.

Go do something you're good at, like smoking some more weed or something.

This may have been asked in a different way, so I apologize for not speaking artsy, but... can't you choose limited ability?

Well, that was kinda what I meant. You can choose not to use your abilities, and keep it simple, and then it's all good. But simplicity should be out of choice, not because you simply can't do anything better. See what I mean? I'm kinda having a hard time explaining.