Art Thread

Remember I asked a while ago help with fairy tale characters and the fact I needed to build a kit for one?

I came up with the concept of the Queen Of Hearts helping people in Vegas to stay out of trouble and with their heads on their shoulders (literally)
Introsucing: 'Sinplicity'

Products: Hangover pills, pain relief pills, door hanger, magic playing card, a condom, mini carrier, paper bag to hide your drink, magic alcoholic potion, $500 gift card, survival guide book, magic black&red espresso beans (I literally hand painted over a 100 beans! )
-Brand manual

I made everything but the glass/plastic containers (I made the boxes)

(finals are this Monday, after a lot of hard work... yay summer vacation!!)








Yep, for my Advanced Layout class. My school likes to make our lives hard... in addition to create this entire corporate identity and products in the kit
(including lables that have to look real with nutritious facts etc and making the boxes and corporate identity manual and a 40 page book for the kit: On top of that: at the end of this class
you have a senior portfolio review where you present all your work you've done in the past year (and pretty much re-do a lot of it to make it perfect)
so yeah.. in addition to getting ready for my senior portfolio review which is HARD I had to do that kit also....

fun fun!!! I'm presenting this today at class. wish me luck.

Maar, dank je wel, David :)
Karen you spelled "relief" wrong on the pill bottle ;)

Seriously though, that's pretty freakin' amazing. I really like the dark color scheme and "sinplicity" of it all :)
Also, I wish I'd gotten such cool assignments in my school...

yeah, it's fun and original.... making a kit for a fairy tale character and make it look like a real company... some of the student did really nice stuff also, but some....
oh boy... some just did the complete "obvious" and it looks meh....
(I hate "the obvious" results... like: some girl made a baking kit for the witch from henzle and gretle... I mean COME ON)
oh boy... some just did the complete "obvious" and it looks meh....
(I hate "the obvious" results... like: some girl made a baking kit for the witch from henzle and gretle... I mean COME ON)
Yeah, fucking gay. If that's the best you can think of, you've chosen the wrong educational direction.

btw, where did you go to school David?
Heh, let's see:

6 - 12 years in Hoeilaart, where I come from
12 - 19 years in Overijse, Catholic secondary school. Yes, I fucked up one year.
One year at the Catholic University Leuven, studied Germanic filology, but it was too gay for me
And then three years at Groep T in Leuven, teacher school
Plus Police School in Antwerp, but that was a few years later.
Yeah, I had to do the same thing at school. Creating whole identity and products for a fictional company is cool. I really enjoy doing that kind of stuff. I don't get to do it as often as I like and to the extent I want to. Hopefully soon.

The portfolio presentation is really, really tough and also really subjective. I had two different teachers review my portfolio and they had completely opposing critiques of the same things.

Good Luck Karen!