Art Thread

Unless you believe in some weird talent ceiling, I think you're putting an arbitrary line up for justifying inability. Anyone can paint or play guitar or fuck or cook better, how is one supposed to choose simplicity and the reasons for it?

Cute. thanks I don't know what you have against me, but:

1) I don't make "cartoon pencil drawings" well i didnt know what else to call em. its pencil, its drawing, its not 'silly comic cartoon' but its not realistic style either. that wasnt meant to be insulting.
2) Aside from perhaps unintentionally oversized eyes, there's no "heavy japanese influence" in my drawings yeh 'heavy' might be too much but you've done a few from final fantasy and the eyes and general look etc
3) Don't tell me to tone down the "attitude" if you haven't contributed a shred to this discussion i have to be a part of the discussion to notice you're acting like a dick?
4) The fact that you've never posted anything in this thread ever leads me to believe you've never actually made anything even resembling art the absence of evidence is not the evidence of absence. i left my 'artistic' days behind after junior high when i started playing guitar. i have paintings and drawings at my parents house, i dont know if they would hold up to your lofty standards though.
5) I've never seen you post even one actually useful comment on these boards ever. oh come on, theres gotta be a few!

Go do something you're good at, like smoking some more weed or something. good?! i am exceptional at smoking weed
Unless you believe in some weird talent ceiling, I think you're putting an arbitrary line up for justifying inability. Anyone can paint or play guitar or fuck or cook better, how is one supposed to choose simplicity and the reasons for it?
That's exactly it, I believe inability can never be justified. If you want to create something, but don't have the skill to do so, then you're not (yet) an artist, if you want to create something, have the skill to create something more complex, but choose to create something simple, then that's different.

Like I said, it's hard to explain, but it's not about whether or not someone else could do it better (there's always people who are better than you), it's about whether or not your choices in creating are limited by your ability. It's all on a personal level. If your skill is a limiting factor to your end product, rather than an extension of your ability, you're not yet an artist, at least not one who should consider himself to be developed (although it can be argued that no one ever is).

Note that I still consider myself to be in the stage where I'm working to make my skill match my imagination, and therefore don't consider myself to be a fully-developed artist either.

I'm being accused of elitism, but how can I be elitist if I don't consider myself to be a fully developed artist either?

And as long as people are still learning and developing their skill, they need critique. It's what helps them grow, not a way for others to put them down. Something a few people in this thread don't understand - thankfully Morganna does, so I don't see why the likes of neal need to interfere and play Internet White Knight.

I'm through wasting keystrokes on this stupid pissing contest. If you think the purpose of an art thread is about always giving each other shoulder-pats instead of actually helping others grow, then just keep thinking that.
In my opinion it´s really fuckin difficult to specify what is "good art".
It lies very much in the eyes of the beholder.
For example if you draw covers from any albums then there are metalheads
who say: Wow!! that´s fuckin great! (because they are really into it)
and the Art Teacher who says: That´s not art, that´s totally bullshit.
My drawings are not very good (I confess) but I always get better from practising..
It´s the same with skateboarding(ok stupid example) or playing guitar:
You also need a lot of time until you are really good.
I think If you say to yourself: ahh fuck it, I cannot draw!!
(t´s the same with music)
you will never get an artist or a good painter. INSPIRATION is also a must have for every artist to make good paintings that really express something.
Okay, I'm pretty sure everyone here has established that "Art" is in the eye of the beholder. Get over it, unclench those butt cheeks, and lets have some fun, if you get my drift. ;)
When she posed for Stuff Magazine, I made sure to purchase a copy.

I don't like how this discussion has turned out really, I thought it would be good but I was wrong. I hope this doesnt discourage CC.

Anyhow, lets get back to posting some new art. I know you guys have some new stuff lurking about.

Other then myself who's crap is still in Maryland. :( I'm starting to wish I was back in Maryland with it.