Art Thread

Emily, over the course of the beginning of this thread to now it appears to me that you have significantly and rapidly improved in all areas of your art. That's fucking awesome :)

The John Wayne illustration is super rad.
Worked on the values of Cmdr. Shepard a bit.



Which one is best?

Also, Morganna, because you asked...


It looks sucky because it's all done by hand, but my skills aren't high enough to warrant making a full-blown glossy tutorial over.

I'm going to say the second one. As subtle as the changes are I really like the slightly deeper tones on that one. :)

Thanks for the tutorial! :worship: It looks like you went through allot of trouble working on that. Also, I hope you don't mind but I saved them to my computer. that way I can give them a zoomed in look over. :)

By the way, I'm jealous of your handwriting! Mine is sloppy! :D You would have seen a big ass mess had I written all over a page!

Illustration - Project 2. All hand done.


You would have made many of Duke and Clint fans the world over happy as a mother fucker! :kickass: You better get high marks for this, Jace, or I'm coming to your school and kicking some ass! Stunning pen work dude, keep on drawing!
Your crosshatching piece is my favorite yet! Well done!
Your other drawing is all hand done? Isn't your hand KILLING you by now?? haha!

I like the eerie sparkles upon the waters..

Stormy, your drawings just keep getting better and better. I really can't decided which drawing is my fav...they both look like they have slightly different bone structures, so they both kinda stand on their own...
Thanks for posting the hair diagram, too! We now know your secret ;)

Karen: It was posted a while ago, but I really liked your graphic design project! I did something similar (well, just the posting letterhead examples on black cardboard), but yours looks so professional. I like the work you did on the velvet pouch...everything looks so seamless.
Are you selling naughty bits? :p
I'm going to say the second one. As subtle as the changes are I really like the slightly deeper tones on that one. :)
Hmmm, opinion is divided...

Thanks for the tutorial! :worship: It looks like you went through allot of trouble working on that. Also, I hope you don't mind but I saved them to my computer. that way I can give them a zoomed in look over. :)
Oh, it only took me an hour or so, and by all means, save it to your HDD, it's what I made it for. If it's too small, I can give you a larger version, just holler.

By the way, I'm jealous of your handwriting! Mine is sloppy! :D You would have seen a big ass mess had I written all over a page!
Odd, since I have a very boyish, what we call "rooster paw handwriting" in my language.

But, um, Jace is not a dude ;)

Stormy, your drawings just keep getting better and better. I really can't decided which drawing is my fav...they both look like they have slightly different bone structures, so they both kinda stand on their own...
Thanks for posting the hair diagram, too! We now know your secret ;)
Heh, it's not that spectacular, it's a very basic style of drawing hair, really, but since people liked to know, here it is :)

And thanks a lot! Are you still painting?
No problemo!

Yes, I'm still painting a little here and there...mostly drawing, though.
OH Yeeah! I've actually been commissioned by this stoner guy to paint murals throughout the inside of his house :)

Trees and naked ladies ;)
No problemo!

Yes, I'm still painting a little here and there...mostly drawing, though.
OH Yeeah! I've actually been commissioned by this stoner guy to paint murals throughout the inside of his house :)

Trees and naked ladies ;)

Are you sure you want to take that job, once the guys pot garden goes up in smoke he won't be able to pay you.
Hey stormie, thanks. I will give you a holler If I need it bigger.

haha, I know she's not a dude. It's a bad habit, also "hey guys" is a bad habit. I got the red ass for that at old job allot. Hostesses can't say "Hey guys" to a group of gals my boss would say.
I'm bumping this thread because I just spend the last 20 minutes looking at Becchante's myspace page (Lesa) and holy shit, I LOVE HR ART!
Ok, I've always knew Lesa is talented, but she never posted her amazing art in here, and it is rare for me to check myspaces-pages recently (lack of time)

Lesa: wow! You have a great style, already so distinctive "early" in your career... (and I use the 'early' loosley but still)
and I **love love love** your drawings and art!! :kickass: Great job, girl!!
I wanted to put this in here to show Jace what I did on the Corel painter program. Let me know what you thought of it. I've always liked it better for painting from scratch. Although keep in mind that it's a shitty photo editor.

I took a scan of a drawing of mine and painted it with the digital oil color, using the mixer and the set of colors that resemble oil color like it has colors named cadmium red for example which is one of the tube colors I use. I can't remember which one's I painted this a couple of years ago. What I did was kept myself from using any filters or dodge or burn tools. Other people have different opinions on the program, but I felt like it lets me paint with oils as close as it's going to be without oil paints. I had to stop painting some years ago because of the cost of paint. I also love how it looks and behaves like paint.

I am a little shaky with it though because I don't have a tablet :erk:

Karen, I love you, too!
Thank you so much for the wonderful compliment!


I'm so glad you took the time to check out all of my goodies on myspace. I would put more on, but I have SO many problems with that site. Too many goddamn errors/maintenance updates. bah.

I'm pretty shy about making my art more public. It's always exciting getting feedback, but I always feel bad if I think I'm showing off or something. I'm my own worst critic, heh.
I really should advertise would definitely help sell some of this stuff.

I'm glad you can actually see my style, because many people don't, and I've been given sooo much flack about it. I think it's there, but it just "bounces around"...all over the place.

I'm really selfish (?) with my art, and I do what I like and enjoy.
I also don't really have a solid theme..besides portraiture, so you'll probably never see my stuff in a gallery (unless I'm dead, hah).

Themes get boring, anyway :)

Thank you again!
I'm starting that mural on saturday, btw. My client picked one of my linocut prints as the design, and I can't wait to start!

I'm bumping this thread because I just spend the last 20 minutes looking at Becchante's myspace page (Lesa) and holy shit, I LOVE HR ART!
Ok, I've always knew Lesa is talented, but she never posted her amazing art in here, and it is rare for me to check myspaces-pages recently (lack of time)

Lesa: wow! You have a great style, already so distinctive "early" in your career... (and I use the 'early' loosley but still)
and I **love love love** your drawings and art!! :kickass: Great job, girl!!
I wanted to put this in here to show Jace what I did on the Corel painter program. Let me know what you thought of it. I've always liked it better for painting from scratch. Although keep in mind that it's a shitty photo editor.

What I did was kept myself from using any filters or dodge or burn tools

I use Painter too, and I believe that while the lack of dodge or burn makes its learning curve steeper, it also makes you a better artist, because to be honest, dodge and burn are the tools most used by inept artists who can't do the real thing. Which is not to say that the occasional dodge or burn can't be useful in places - it just shouldn't be used as the Universal Solution for shading.


Very nice! Do you use the Artists' Oils? I tried using them but for some reason they don't suit me all that well - I'm more partial to the airbrush settings because they're very sensitive to pen pressure, which is my main method of shading.