
Well, I like the spiral with the dark matter... just the white background... hm... dunno... but actually without the white background maybe you can't see the dark matter that good anymore... I like the colour choose of the spiral.

Well had to edit this, I think the background and the logo does not match here. If the background would have an other colour, than the logo and title would be better seen and it would give a different perspective or the logo and title in a different colour...

that one looks slightly better... it's kaotic! i like it :)
I said this on the other thread, but I really like the new look of that cover.

As much as I do like covers with pictures of scenery; mountains, forests, lakes... I think it's a little tired, of course, many CD's use of scenery as a cover matches the music almost perfectly. I did enjoy the covers of Cosmic Genesis and ödemarken's son muchly, but I don't feel they matched the music all too well :cry:

This new cover, it takes a chance, does something different, something crazy, and I love it. I am more a fan of cartoonish art, or more abstract and symbolative art than carbon copies of photographs, or just photographs of scenery with nothing special going on. My reason for this being that your eyes can always see scenery, I know that maybe you can't see that particular scenery, but the fact remains that's exactly what anyone would see if they saw it. When you draw/paint something more abstract, or you make something that doesn't actually exist, something that comes from the imagination, and something that isn't actually anything real, then you can make the person who sees it feel something different, something that a photograph or a portrait can't do, I don't know if i'm making sense here. It comes from the subconcious, the subconcious is really strange and powerful, and it's extremely difficult if you've ever tried to draw/paint like this, your logic will try to make you draw traditionally, it's hard to let go and let your subconcious take over or what not. Just when you look at it, don't try to make anything of it, don't expect it to be anything, it is what it is. It's hard to explain. Ok, I keep editing this post because everytime I read it I think of something to add, sorry hehe.

Props to Vintersorg on the new cover, it has made me a lot more interested in this new album than I would have been otherwise, as i'm not too into Vintersorg :cry: I want to be into Vintersorg more, but it's just not happening yet, maybe I will get to like it more in time :D :cry:
Yup, i'm too lazy to get into art a whole lot, maybe I will try this summer or something. I know that I really like Jackson Pollock, that's the guy who made that one painting I put on here. Edgar Degas is pretty good too, he isn't abstract, some of his paintings are just boring, but I like how he does some of them, some of the ones that are more "different" like Absinthe and some others I don't remember the titles of :confused:

And that about sums up my knowledge of art/artists :p
I like that "net" in the background... The twirled
white thing that almost looks like a web, I can't
remember the word for it... :eek:P But! I like it! :eek:)
It's nice seeing the white background with the
orange... I can't see what this really is yet cause
of the bad quallity.... But I like the change...

I hate it when bands change their logo's, I just
can't handle it!! Hehehe... The Opeth one was a
good change, it gave them an identity. But if
let's say Windir changed their logo now it would
be as if something was missing! When it's that
special... I'd say the new Vintersorg logo is plain,
a bit boring maybe, cause it looks like a popular
font-type >:eek:P hehe... Urgh, let's face it, I need
to accept the changes here!!! >:eek:P

If the rest of the music on the album is as good
as Universums... then I like the change in both
the music and the artwork :eek:)
If I am not [insert swedish saying] helt ute och cyklar [/insert swedish saying] that spiral has something to do with mathematic fractals, and such stuff... Which would make sense when considering the lyrics for "universums..." and Mr V´s General approach to Mathematics and physics nowadays...:)

Uhhhhh, the logo, yes...Well, I dunno, kinda hard to say when not seen properly, so I don´t say yay or nay... I liked the old one very much tho...:D

But hey! I am a biologist! Whata I know? :D

-phyros ( recognises, thinks, writes, apologises, starts to study )

edit: The logo text.
Originally posted by Phyros
If I am not [insert swedish saying] helt ute och cyklar [/insert swedish saying] that spiral has something to do with mathematic fractals, and such stuff... Which would make sense when considering the lyrics for "universums..." and Mr V´s General approach to Mathematics and physics nowadays...:)

Uhhhhh, the logo, yes...Well, I dunno, kinda hard to say when not seen properly, so I don´t say yay or nay... I liked the old one very much tho...:D

But hey! I am a biologist! Whata I know? :D

-phyros ( recognises, thinks, writes, apologises, starts to study )

edit: The logo text.

I would say this as well about the spiral.

I would like to see the new logo with another background, so it's clear to see.
The new logo has a spacy look as far as I can see, which of course would fit with the album, but I still think so far, by taking a look at the pic, that background and logo colour do not match...
of course I need to see the real cover to get a clear view...

@Blackspirit: it's obviously a spiral out of the galaxy...

I read an article the other day about dark matter, so I'm pretty sure the black colour around is dark matter... I see if I find a pic of a spiral so you can get a better imagination of the cover... :)
That link astarte posted doesn't work for me either :(

But phyros links do work for me, thanx for those (btw, have to tell you that: i like those comments you keep writing in brackets after you name :) )
Originally posted by Oyo
Good thing you like his face because he is wearing stupid clothes.

Oh no, the clothes are fine!!! Though they were
done in a hurry they fit him. Cause he would look
stupid with normal clothes or a coat... :eek:P

This is another fav of mine... I wish I could draw
like this :eek:)
