
I just posted artwork that I like. Whether its art or not. Means nothing. Whether its cliched or not. Means nothing. it's all what I think is looks cool/fits the album the best.

Besides, I only own albums I like. Just like Henrik.
Henrik Main said:

I like this because it's funny and suits the theme of the album. Not because it's an artistic masterpiece. Not because it's particularly pretty. But because it's funny, and because I like it. Y'know, it's possible to like coverart that isn't pretty per se. This thread didn't ask for artistically impressive, stunning artwork, but for the RC posters' fave artwork.

Henrik Main
god damn nad said:
there's probably no coincidence that many of those i posted are some of my favorite albums evAr, but that's not the main reason i chose them.

black metal albums, for the most part, are ridiculously bad. oh look, ANOTHER dark forest! how original.

It's difficult to remove personal bias from whatever criteria you use to distinguish between good and bad art, no question...I personally consider a good album cover to be one that reflects the mood of the music as well as being creative artistically.
lizard said:
I mean, I could go out and take a picture of a turd on top of an air conditioner. Maybe that's never been done before, so it's creative. but did it take any skill? :lol:

well, think of it this way... have you even tried crapping on top of an air conditioner??
lizard said:
creative, yes...but do you also consider skill, or talent of the artist/photographer?

just curious.

I mean, I could go out and take a picture of a turd on top of an air conditioner. Maybe that's never been done before, so it's creative. but did it take any skill? :lol:

you'd need to get the lighting right of course
Sure, some of these cliché metal covers with their fancy band logos, foggy mountain scenes, bleak landscapes, with a lot of of black and different shades of red, with their angels and crosses, dying creatures and corpses do look nice. But they don't make me go wow anymore. There's nothing special about them.

I agree that apart from being "artistically valuable", the cover art has to fit the music somehow.

The following are good examples, imho.

