As I Lay Dying singer arrested in murder-for-hire plot

The guy must have been high on steroids to be that stupid. He tried to pull a Pistorius.
That's fishy as fuck. $1k is nothing when you're talking about having someone murdered and it's not like it's a very large investment if you're trying to protect half of your assets (dude is worth 14mil).

Any info about is there family money or something involved? Really hard to believe all of that 14mil came from running AILD (as the networth site claims)?
Any info about is there family money or something involved? Really hard to believe all of that 14mil came from running AILD (as the networth site claims)?
he owns quite some property with a full functioning (and paid for?) studio which turns a decent revenue (as it's still in operation, you would shutdown a money-eating business....). I also think 14mil is a tad high but if you have a established business and some land and a big ass house you can easily be in the 5-8Mil.
If the prosecutor in the video is telling the truth, he's pretty much fucked. What a terrible thing to do. Anyone know what's the penalty for something like this?
The net-worth values on internet seem really high to me in general. I think it's more a figure that's based of a person's lifetime earnings. He could've gained 14mil in the past 10 years with AILD and the properties next to it, however. It might be that he already spend most of it in his studio and other properties, thus not having 14 mil but earned and spend it over the years.

Apparently the success with AILD, his studio and other side projects made him feel invincible or something.
Yeah. But still 1,4mil per year during the last 10 years; never ever with AILD! ;)

Same site lists btw Randy Blythe 14mil and Corey Taylor 10mil which probably won't reflect the reality a bit..
Yeah. But still 1,4mil per year during the last 10 years; never ever with AILD! ;)

Same site lists btw Randy Blythe 14mil and Corey Taylor 10mil which probably won't reflect the reality a bit..

I would imagine Corey Taylor having more net-worth than Blythe and Lambesis together.

He probably has a wealthy family and has always been rich...

Also a possibility.
^nah, I took a look at his tumblr for the first time today, and there he wrote that he's not able to put on size and weight with prison style workout.
I also dunno if he'd even get the amount of food needed for gaining size too (...and I suspect roids too, judging from what I read how long and often he's been hitting the gym).
Guess if he can keep it that it's allready a gain.

But if THAT is going to be his biggest problem then he's lucky anway ^^

I just got into AILD with the lastest album, the one Sneap did sounded great but every song sounded the same to me, like on most of their records.
Dunno why that last one strikes me different, but that's a shame.

And for Austrian Death Machine it really would be a pitty if he'd have to do time.

Innocent until prooven guilty and all, but from what was available on info until now it doesn't look really good.
Would have been a pretty clever setup to get him saying such things and tape it.

Also a pitty that he turned away from christianity last year, makes the "damn christian" stuff less funny :p
^nah, I took a look at his tumblr for the first time today, and there he wrote that he's not able to put on size and weight with prison style workout.
I also dunno if he'd even get the amount of food needed for gaining size too (...and I suspect roids too, judging from what I read how long and often he's been hitting the gym).
Guess if he can keep it that it's allready a gain.

But if THAT is going to be his biggest problem then he's lucky anway ^^

I just got into AILD with the lastest album, the one Sneap did sounded great but every song sounded the same to me, like on most of their records.
Dunno why that last one strikes me different, but that's a shame.

And for Austrian Death Machine it really would be a pitty if he'd have to do time.

Innocent until prooven guilty and all, but from what was available on info until now it doesn't look really good.
Would have been a pretty clever setup to get him saying such things and tape it.

Also a pitty that he turned away from christianity last year, makes the "damn christian" stuff less funny :p

He looks pretty natural to me, I have quite the same stature I'd say and I don't do any roids.. You just need to eat a lot :)
I would imagine Corey Taylor having more net-worth than Blythe and Lambesis together.

depends how much of it has been spent on nose candy, really...

At least he'll get time to do all the body-building he wants on the inside.

not in cali! they took all the weights out 10-15 yrs. ago because all the prisoners were coming out all scary huge and shit. it's all pushups/pullups/situps nowadays!
Is it just me or has this turned into a Tim Lambesis body worship thread? :(:err::guh: