I totally agree, especially given that the dude was sponsored by a few supplement companies and his wife claimed he was "obsessed" with working out, he could easily put on that size without steroids in that time frame. Plus, there's what bodybuilders refer to as "beginner gains", where you can put on decent size when you first start lifting. I've never taken roids and I'm a bit bigger than he is, been lifting a lot longer than he has though.
3 times a week is hardly "obsessed" I think.
But again, I stated that based on the absolute skinny pix I saw (around 2009ish I'd guess?) and the statement that he's been at it for a year, around the time that festival video got filmed.
Watching the video again I may have that mixed up with more recent pix I saw on all those news about the arrest.
and that with 3 times a week (as he wrote himself) and beeing on the road quite a bit (were he said he's good if he can keep himself from not loosing weight) just strickes me a bit odd, as it seems (to me) that it's still quite a lot of weight for the first year.
But maybe it just looks different to me, it can be his hight, or default broad shoulders, or maybe the tats , or fuck knows. Random pix have faulted me anyway lots of times until now.
In the end it doesn't matter anyway to me, dudes can roid however the fuck they want, I don't care. Would be nice if those had the balls to admit it though (oh lol a pun). but that's another story.
To get to the OT
have you guys seen the video yet, or was that mention in some other post or site yet?
I can't image why he would plead not guilty if he gave all the info to the hitman allready. I mean, they must know that they have that as evidence, so even if they wouldn't have know from the audiotape, that would be a shitty strategy, right?
Still saying it's a setup seems kinda risky...would be a hell of a job to fake that.
oh and kill the boss is awesome