As I Lay Dying singer arrested in murder-for-hire plot

I can't stand the bands that claim to be Christian and act exactly the opposite. If your lyrics contain the words fuck, bitch, cunt, slut, etc. You aren't a Christian band. It makes the ones that actually are look bad.

One of the few metalcore bands that actually stick to it is For Today.

:lol: He said they make other Christian bands look bad! :lol:

You're a riot. :lol:
I can't stand the bands that claim to be Christian and act exactly the opposite. If your lyrics contain the words fuck, bitch, cunt, slut, etc. You aren't a Christian band. It makes the ones that actually are look bad.

One of the few metalcore bands that actually stick to it is For Today.

STFU you fucking bitchy cunt slut.
I can't stand the bands that claim to be Christian and act exactly the opposite. If your lyrics contain the words fuck, bitch, cunt, slut, etc. You aren't a Christian band. It makes the ones that actually are look bad.

One of the few metalcore bands that actually stick to it is For Today.

Wait. So some self-proclaimed religious people are liars and hypocrites who use their "faith" as a shortcut to an audience which they happily discard when they mainstream? As a justification for judging other people? Or as a shortcut to forgiveness for their bad behavior without any real atonement?
I can't stand the bands that claim to be Christian and act exactly the opposite. If your lyrics contain the words fuck, bitch, cunt, slut, etc. You aren't a Christian band. It makes the ones that actually are look bad.

One of the few metalcore bands that actually stick to it is For Today.

Yep, nothing more Christian than homophobia.
Wait. So some self-proclaimed religious people are liars and hypocrites who use their "faith" as a shortcut to an audience which they happily discard when they mainstream? As a justification for judging other people? Or as a shortcut to forgiveness for their bad behavior without any real atonement?

I can't stand the bands that claim to be Christian and act exactly the opposite. If your lyrics contain the words fuck, bitch, cunt, slut, etc. You aren't a Christian band. It makes the ones that actually are look bad.

One of the few metalcore bands that actually stick to it is For Today.

this is so stupid on some many levels and angles that my brain just said "I quit"
Thread starts out the way it should, towards the middle i´m asking myself if i landed in some homosexual discussion about muscles and roids. hahaha....
I know this shits real, but i dont want to believe it...Since all we´ve seen was a court video, some written statements on the Internet etc. But, where´s that audio recording they´re all speaking about? haven´t heard it, can´t believe it.
Thread starts out the way it should, towards the middle i´m asking myself if i landed in some homosexual discussion about muscles and roids. hahaha....
I know this shits real, but i dont want to believe it...Since all we´ve seen was a court video, some written statements on the Internet etc. But, where´s that audio recording they´re all speaking about? haven´t heard it, can´t believe it.

Whats gay about roids and muscles? It's as manly as it gets, düde! :kickass:
Whats gay about roids and muscles? It's as manly as it gets, düde! :kickass:

Its very un-christian to say that a band can or cannot be a christian rock/metal band... doesn't the "good" book teach "Judge not lest ye be judged"??
Thread starts out the way it should, towards the middle i´m asking myself if i landed in some homosexual discussion about muscles and roids. hahaha....
I know this shits real, but i dont want to believe it...Since all we´ve seen was a court video, some written statements on the Internet etc. But, where´s that audio recording they´re all speaking about? haven´t heard it, can´t believe it.

Bussi bussi :lol:

I can't imagine that they would release that recording to the public, beeing evidence and all...or do they do that usually?