As I Lay Dying singer arrested in murder-for-hire plot

"Prosecutors allege Lambesis had twice told a man at a gym that he wanted his wife killed, then met with an undercover detective known as "Red", and gave the agent an envelope containing $1,000 in cash, photographs of his wife, and the security gate code to her house. He also allegedly told the agent the dates he would be with the couple's three adopted children, in order to give himself an alibi."

They claim they have that on tape..
And he's claiming 'entrapment'..
Maybe the undercover detective was just a really good seller..
"Steroids made me do it" is a bullshit defence ploy for someone who's gotten in way over his head and is facing the consequences of being criminally retarded.

Saying "steroids made me rage and punch her to death" is also bullshit, but it would have been a lot more believable than saying that steroids made me commit a pre meditated scheme to hire someone else to kill someone. Jesus...
Not to downplay his responsibility but it is a well proven fact that Anabolic-Androgenic Steroid abuse leads to violent behavior and

personality changes. This is serious shit.

Off course, in the context of justice, he'll probably be seen as mere drug user trying to blame drugs.
From what I read on that article, the defender didn't say "roids made him do it", or did I miss that?
He said that roids changed his personality, but he didn't say that that led him to try to hire a hitman.

And since he plead "not guilty" it seems to be a way of trying to make it sound like he wasn't serious, if he said something the like to anybody, aka that was the roids talking.

Cause I guess if they wanted it to use as an excuse, they'd had to go down the mental incapacity route, and not not guilty...right?
I think now the defense is just tossing shit on the wall to see what might be mitigating considerations when it comes time for sentencing. I think it's moved beyond the point of guilty or not by the sounds of it, now their just trying to impact the eventual time he spends in prison.