Asgeir to Dimmu Borgir

Barker's drums were very fast....especially on PME though I always thought he was a little too...blast beat happy most of the time.

He's a great drummer.....the blast beats just get old after a while. He overuses the technique. They have their place, yes.

Asgeir's drumming in borknagar is the shit. But not really something I notice in the bands songs. Which is good, usually I notice drums when they're annoying me. Or totally blowing me away, (anything wildoer does with Darkane is fuckin perfect..and Death era Gene Hoglan stuff)
filling the Bassdrumm with towels and using Triggers that are adjusted so you only have to hit the pedal gently is a art of its own isnt't it???

I know Nick does that but I don't know if Asgeir does that too?!

- But I don't think so

It might be regarded as 'cheating' and it actually is!
Its no more cheating than buying a vocal processor and adding reverb to your voice.

Its no more cheating than buying a distortion pedal and an amp and using it with your guitar.

Nobody can convince me triggering your drums is considered cheating, that is ludicrous.
So triggering your drums means that no matter how hard u hit your drums, it will have the exact same "velocitylevel", have i got this right?

Is the sound you hear, really the sound you play, or is like a previously recorded (digital?) trumsound?? I don´t really get how this triggersystem works, I mean if its really the sound u play, how do that work? Do it atomatical adjust the db level to exact same on every punch or something? But then the sound probably should be diffrent depending on where and how u hit the drum anyway. I whould be really glad if someone could work this out for me:)
they do make triggers that repeat the hit though as well. (i.e. you hit the bass drum once and 4 bass drum hits sound off.) Ive heard faster than barker anyway though.
Dantven said:
Its no more cheating than buying a vocal processor and adding reverb to your voice.

Its no more cheating than buying a distortion pedal and an amp and using it with your guitar.

Nobody can convince me triggering your drums is considered cheating, that is ludicrous.

I totally agree.

A trigger sends an analogue signal to your System (in a Rack)
-thats the thing where the sounds are stored
here you can adjust the punch that is necessary to be noticed by your system.
of course you can put every sound you want into your system

the Ticking of a Typewriter perhaps?!

how loud you hear it depends on the Amplifier and so on

Triggering rules!
En Vind Av Sorg said:
they do make triggers that repeat the hit though as well. (i.e. you hit the bass drum once and 4 bass drum hits sound off.) Ive heard faster than barker anyway though.
True, but I highly doubt that anyone in the metal-realm would use those. And sure, there's plenty faster than Nick.:cool:
they have removed the news from nuclear blast... so it's not official... just read again on blabbermouth
Well it seems that people love to play with this shit. One day it`s official next day it`s not. Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat the FUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
svältvinter said:
So triggering your drums means that no matter how hard u hit your drums, it will have the exact same "velocitylevel", have i got this right?

Is the sound you hear, really the sound you play, or is like a previously recorded (digital?) trumsound?? I don´t really get how this triggersystem works, I mean if its really the sound u play, how do that work? Do it atomatical adjust the db level to exact same on every punch or something? But then the sound probably should be diffrent depending on where and how u hit the drum anyway. I whould be really glad if someone could work this out for me:)

Go read the link the dude posted about triggers, that will explain everything.

Basically it works like this:
You have your drum, hooked up to a "trigger" which is a piezzo crystal that sends electronic signals when it vibrates.

The trigger will send the signal to the "processor" which has a collection of sounds.

in the processor you can modify settings to do lots of things like, changing the sound, volume, sensitivity, and modify if the velocity you hit on your drum, reflects what sound comes out in your triggers.