Ashton Kutcher is an OPETH FAN!?!? WTF?

BLackwater86 said:

Did somebody say my name? How dare you interrupt my manlove!!

Oh man that cracked me up hahahahaha.....look at him...just look at he not the softest excuse for a man you've ever seen?* Chad Kroeger is Softness Incarnate.

*Please note that Michael Jackson is not included in that statement.

NP: Windir - Journey To The End
Ashton Kutcher was in my dream two nights ago. Over the spring break I had been watching a lot of That 70's Show, so two nights ago I had this wierd ass dream. I was at a museum late at night with the whole crew from the show and we were defiling the museum or something when a bunch of cops came. They all got caught except for me and Ashton who hoped into a pickup and sped off. We ended up in some hick town, and eventually the cops figured out who we were (it was like we were America's most wanted or something just for defiling a museum, I don't know...) so basically we kept avoiding cops, running people over with trucks and causing lots of mayhem and chaos. Eventually the cops chased us to the side of a cliff and we went over. I got out of the truck before it exploded and survived, I'm pretty sure Ashton died, as did the cops. So at the bottom of the cliff was a small beach and then a large lake. I decided I'd swim to another section of the lake, to get away froim where I'd be easily recognized. However the lake was so full of fishing strings with huge fish connected to them that I couldn't swim more then five feet without running into one. Out of no where my dad was there and he was telling me about how he could help me escape the country so I wouldn't face jail time, giving me tickets to somewhere, I think in Europe. Well next thing I know theres a house on the lake, I go into it and I see something slowly crawling towards me. Out of no where this big fat-faced retard comes up to me. Still in painic mode I take the only weapon I have, matches and place it against his face, he just puts it in his mouth and douces it with his saliva, then starts laughing his retarded laugh. I try to tell my dad, but I'm so shocked I can't create real words. Next an old lady says something about how they want no trouble. Next thing I know I'm in the airport getting on my plane, off to Europe. This was an awesome dream, cuz at a few points when things seemed to bleak to go my way, I was able to actually alter what was going on so that it was going my way again, I havn't really been able to do that before while subconcious, but this time I pulled it off. Pretty awesome.