when do you think you'll reach 8000 posts?
Can fat people go skinny dipping?
Is it possible to be totally partial?
Should vegetarians eat animal crackers?
If a mute swears, does his mother wash his hands?
Is it true cannibals don't eat clowns because they taste funny?
If you shoot a mime, should you use a silencer?
what should I have for breakfast tomorrow?
hmm...any good album recommendations?
Do you still feel smart or has the moment passed?
Who's the puppy?
whats the strangest thing you have ever done?
Dearest Nikki, when will you post our pic from the bar Saturday night?
When do you intent to buy bus tickets for ATG? I'd like to buy mine soon to get it out of the way but I wanna buy for the same bus as you and Phil if possible.
Did you block me in msn? If no, why don't I see you there?
Yeah I figure the Megabus on the way up and catch a greyhound 1-way home. I'll check out what the price is for 1-way ticket home purchased online. What BLOWS, I just found out today that I have a test that day from 11-12:30. Not that we'd necessarily leave that early, but it's still an inconvenience as I'll have to study the night before while trying to hold in my utter stupid excitement.
Oh, and we're getting up front for that show no matter what- it's a once in a lifetime deal.
Dear Nikki, how much time do you spend now on UM on average?