Asking Alexandria - Reckless and Relentless

Hey Joey sir, I have another question for you bro. What did you use for bass for this album? I know you said you rarely use Pod farm for bass and I also know that you use that Sine Wave thing for lower tunings, but this album sounds mostly C.
To me this was pretty obvious, but maybe you dont know?

The band is from the UK, I would have to say A LOT of things they say and pronounce are a bit different than we do here in the states.

ah Seth, I don't think it's hugely noticeable, especially with singing. Thing is, Danny has a dirty lisp (lol), as you may of heard from the track Dedication where his does a little speech. :guh:
So, Just received my June 2011 copy of Guitar World, and it says that they recorded with a Peavey 6505+ for the album... I know they use Peavey's live, and Joey has said he occasionally uses real amps with impulses, but I was under the impression that the album was all Podfarm?
So, Just received my June 2011 copy of Guitar World, and it says that they recorded with a Peavey 6505+ for the album... I know they use Peavey's live, and Joey has said he occasionally uses real amps with impulses, but I was under the impression that the album was all Podfarm?

In over half of the studio video Joey is in the back playing with PF2 settings.
If they were just tracking with it I doubt he would spend a decent amount of time on it.
in the studio video you can see PF2 with diamondplate. i don´t know if that is the final sound but for me, it sounds to diamondplate.
God, he might be joking too :D

And by the way I saw AA live a couple of days ago, they played great and Danny is a really good singer when sober, I was nicely surprised !
This album sounds fantastic, but my god it is a musical abomination on par with the new emmure. Yes this just my opinion, but seriously the only interesting parts are which you can tell Joey had a huge influence in, for example the orchestral breakdown in track 4. The record vocally sounds like the screamer has been wanting to sound like oli Sykes for 5 years. It's really just awful. But hey my band doesn't sell records so who am I to complain!

Well done on this Joey, it's some of your best work, but my god the music just reinforces every single stereotype this genre has, and this is coming from a real fan of modern metalcore. Not some numpty naysayer with no experience with the music.