Asking Alexandria - Stand up and Scream

First off, I did use the search. I found a few answers but no DEFINITE answer. Just wanted to clear things up, which is the actual Snare and kick used for Asking Alexandria's Stand up and Scream album?
when listening to albums like this, I can't say I ever would have thought the tones were from Pod Farm and the drums were Slate samples.

Sure, some of the stuff is more noticeable upon listening now but sheesh. This was a big music surprise for me.
Lets say your band has two guitar players, Dick and Willie. In the graph Dick represents 1 and Willie represents 2. If Willie sucks, Dick plays his parts too.

( :lol: Thanks for the explanation man! )
I can not express this enough

And I would turn the gain down
In pod farm I don't think I ever have the gain past 40%, it's usually lower and I let the TS do all the work. (kinda like a real amp)

sorry, im probably a complete retard but what is TS?

Any tips on how you got Snare 11 to sound like that? There's a spot in one of the songs where the snare hits by itself. I cut it out, and have been playing it in a loop for the past hour just trying to get my snare 11 anywhere close to it. Maybe you can talk a little bit about your chain on that?

What I've tried so far is mix my snare 11z1 with z4.
I have Dominion adding some attack and brought the sustain down
L2 and a GClip afterwards.
I cut some 350Hz out.
Added TransXWide
S1 Shuffler for some widening.
I tried processing the z4 separately from the Z1

Feel free to completely shoot my chain down...
Try Z3 and Z5, not Z1 and Z4! I think joey didn't use only one sample. Layering is the key... but damn, why do you try to copy his sound completely?? Start finding your own! ;)

Your chain looks good btw!
Thank's for the tips.

It's not really about sounding like him, it's more important to at least know 'how' :)