Astrology, spiritual ant other alternative stuff

Got anything to say about me?
Virgo, 11th of September..

my dad's a Virgo and we don't get along too well :p

the male Virgo is neat, very precise, good with hand crafts, very pedant, even meticulous...
from experience I can say they're better with their friends than with their kids :p (kidding)
mostly conservative, often two-faced, doesn't give in to his emotions and everything in his life is based on logic. this is not a passionate sign, he's very cold, and likes to keep things in order.
reminds me of Switzerland :lol: cold and precise....

this is a typical male Virgo profile. if you want something more precise you have to make a natal chart.

EDIT: and they're very boring people :lol: (at least to most signs of elements of fire and air)
my dad's a Virgo and we don't get along too well :p

the male Virgo is neat, very precise, good with hand crafts, very pedant, even meticulous...
from experience I can say they're better with their friends than with their kids :p (kidding)
mostly conservative, often two-faced, doesn't give in to his emotions and everything in his life is based on logic. this is not a passionate sign, he's very cold, and likes to keep things in order.
reminds me of Switzerland :lol: cold and precise....

this is a typical male Virgo profile. if you want something more precise you have to make a natal chart.

EDIT: and they're very boring people :lol: (at least to most signs of elements of fire and air)
Now that's not very positive, is it?
Some woman I worked with a bunch of years back did a astrological profile for was pretty neat. Also, this past year on my birthday I got some "predictions" for the forth coming year, much of which has come true...but it's also part of that "self fulfilling prophecy thing, so take it as you will. I definitely find this kind of stuff I do believe that there is some sort of order to the universe.
right. anything bout a 1st of july cancer.
Oh gawd. I dated one of your kind for almost two years. Living hell. You're a sensitive little girl who enjoys long walks on the beach, lame romantic shit, a good chick flick, novel concepts like love and family, being safe and cozy and avoiding instability at all costs.
will a capricorn + Aquarius couple work?
No. I can tell you this because I tried dating a Capricorn IRL a couple summers ago. Proved to be a typical Cap and it didn't work out. We had totally different ideals and goals. He was also wayyyyy too focused on working and making money regardless of the costs to the rest of his existence.
Don't you mean water? Y'know "Aqua".
Aquarius is the sign of the water bearer, but is in the element group of air. Doesn't make sense but... most Aquariuses don't. I've never ever been able to guess an Aquarius. They've all been different from each other.
I'm gemini, 28th of may
I like you.
I see, thus the love for cats :lol:
seriously, every Gemini I know (female, and most males) loves cats!
I have my own little statistical research based on experience with ppl of different signs of the zodiac.
Every Gemini I've known has been an animal lover...
people born in the sign of Gemini love to talk a lot, they lead life "on the fast lane" and dislike leading a slow, boring life. they dream of equality and most of them remain child-like all their life.
they don't respect social norms or tradition, and love to travel, experience new things and changes... most women born in this zodiac are very beautiful :)
they appreciate beauty in every sense, and always need to look the best they can - so they might be considered superficial (which is not the case, because a lot of them have the tendency to search for higher levels of spirituality, and they are mostly warm people).
Yep. Super true. I've also found the men are exceptionally brilliant, tend to be good with electronics and enjoy writing in some form. They like language.

On the other hand though the one sure thing I can say about the females is they seem to be a bunch of backstabbers. The female "other twin" seems to be a vindictive bitch, as I've found repeatedly. The men are very loyal though in most cases.
my singing professor is a Libra and she also had a twin. she told me that people who have twins have a potential to have double the energy than people who aren't twins, and when one of the twins die the other gains his/her energy.
I think it's true (at least in her case) because that woman has a LOT of energy...

and I said "every Gemini I know". and it counts for Gemini that don't have an earth sign in their ascendant. don't like those much...
Nikki's a Libra and a twin. She and her brother are constantly on a sugar high, I swear.
a friend of mine keeps seing the time 11:11 disturbingly often...
he's a Capricorn - Capricorn, which gives him trades of the next sign - the Aquarius.

Aquariuses have the most potential do develop spiritually, and they're very good at astrology, tarot, anything occult.
I'm an Aquarius if you didn't get that by now...
my dad's a Virgo and we don't get along too well :p

the male Virgo is neat, very precise, good with hand crafts, very pedant, even meticulous...
from experience I can say they're better with their friends than with their kids :p (kidding)
mostly conservative, often two-faced, doesn't give in to his emotions and everything in his life is based on logic. this is not a passionate sign, he's very cold, and likes to keep things in order.
reminds me of Switzerland :lol: cold and precise....

this is a typical male Virgo profile. if you want something more precise you have to make a natal chart.

EDIT: and they're very boring people :lol: (at least to most signs of elements of fire and air)
I agree. I have minimal experience with Virgos.. just a few... but this sums it up.

and to respond to your post in own pics, both Sag and Scorpio are a pain. My mom, dad, kid brother a countless friends are Sags. They're definitely not the worst for me but needless to say I will NOT be dating one any time soon. Thick-headed to say the least. I have minimal experience with Scorpios though. 1 short-lived friendship with a girl, an acquaintance with a couple guys and an acquaintance with a girl, those 3 being distant... not enough to work with but they're DEFINITELY intense.

I'm an Aquarius with Scorpio Rising and Aries Moon. I'm a piece of fucking work indeed. I'm into the more artistic and weird things in life, I attract and repel people with the same magnet while coming across as intense and mysterious and like to take charge and have emotional freedom.

To explain the Sun, Rising and Moon signs basically:

Sun: Your overall "star" or zodiac sign. Prominent element in your personality. Influences overall personality and potential mostly. It's like the "soul" of one's chart, whereas Rising is the "mind" and Moon is the "heart".

Rising: Determined with exact birth time, same as Moon, not just date of birth. Also has a large influence on one's personality- one's external personality, the one you show the world. Me, for example, I may be an Aquarius however I'm endlessly mistaken for a Scorpio- my rising- even by Astrology gurus. The way I present myself both intentionally and unintentionally bleeds seductive, intense Scorpio more so than quirky, sociable Aquarius.

Moon: Has the most direct influence on how one handles matters of the heart and most anything involving emotions. How one presents themselves emotionally. Me, for example, I'm Aries rising. I'm fiery, temperamental, impulsive, bossy and dislike weak personalities. I have a serious need for emotional freedom and relationships involving a great deal of respect.

Yes, I'm a ticking time bomb.
I think in general it's a "rule" never to get romantically involved with your own sign, the sign before or the sign after yours. I've learned to follow it, anyway. I refuse to date my polar opposite, Leo, due to awful experiences. But it IS true that opposites attract. and I've seen countless opposites work out famously, especially Sag and Gemini, but I think it's just the combo of Aquarius and Leo that's impossible. Serious clash of egos.

I'm not too experienced with Tauruses so Aleta's gonna have to take that one.

Cap and Taurus are a match made in astrological heaven. Mind you though there's always all the other "signs" involved... if other respective signs clash it could be fatal regardless of general compatibility.
my ex is a Taurus so I hope I can be objective...

Tauruses are extreme hedonists and mostly warm people. they tend to enjoy life to it's fullest and because of that can often be attracted to Sagittariuses (and I repeat - my ex is a Taurus - NOT a good combination). pretty much slow people who like security and stabillity in every form, and they love money.
traditional, conservative (mostly), the most matherialistic sign of the zodiac... dunno what else...

EDIT: oh, and they don't like risks, but are still attracted to mystical people :p
men are huge patriots, sometimes violent but good lovers (that's an assumption, hehe) and they're not faithful.
women are mostly very artistical, and are ideal wives and mothers (if they don't poison anyone XD). they are very sexual and if they don't achieve what they wanted they get very unpleasant :D