ATHEISTS are demoralizing society. We need a strong CHRISTIAN president.

If anything, Europeans might know more about US affairs than many Americans themselves do... I know a great many that can't function without plugging their ears and going "LALALALALA!" every time you discuss privacy, rights, politics, religion, and policies.
Yes, fucking Euros go fuck yourself with your baseless anti americanism. If Taliban faggots hide at weddings, you gotta fuck them up with the air force so they learn a lesson, you hide taliban we bomb your wedding and eat your babies. Sounds fair to me. However, Bush took down one of the more secular and less religious nut regimes, aka Saddam, and underpowered the intervention where trouble actually was, in Afghanistan. You Europeans get equally biased facts as Americans do, because it is a media war too between the EU and the US, and hopefully with Bush leaving and Sarkozy coming to power in the EU, that shit will end, cause it is stupid. the EU and the US are strategic competitors, but right now they face more serious threats (sercurity, energy supplies, and economic competitions) than each other in China, Russia, and India.

Back to my original point, Afghanistan is the result of the greatest (lol) presidents of america ever, Ronald Reagan, and daddy Bush. Back in the 80s the Soviets had the right idea of how you deal with religious nuts, they sent the might of the Soviet air force to burn them, and eradicated them. But then Reagan was like the enemy of my enemy is my friend. That strategy was fine, it sped up the collapse of the USSR, but also it left religious nuts with power and high tech weaponry in Afghanistan. Moreover, they had 80% undeducated and under fourteeen. Reagan and daddy Bush could have been more inteligent could have educated those people, and send the army to protect them while they were developing a half decent economy OR could have not give them weapons in the first place and let the Soviets fuck them up. You can't do state building halfway. Take Korea for example, if the US and Japan wouldn't have shat billions of dollars into the economy of south korea, the populus would have gone against them, and willingly reunite with N Korea, which would have defeated the purpose of the war in Korea in the first place.

Also Narmoth, go read some history and turn off EuroNews for a bit
If anything, Europeans might know more about US affairs than many Americans themselves do... I know a great many that can't function without plugging their ears and going "LALALALALA!" every time you discuss privacy, rights, politics, religion, and policies.

true, but that doesn't make them less ignorant if they are just a bit more informed than average extremely ignorant Joe in the US.
The difference is that the Europeans are ignorant in terms of foreing policy, but they know the shit in their own countries, while in the US, most of them don't even know about their own country which is a sad fact.
this seems like it would be a propos to this thread:
I love it when foreigners talk about US affairs like they know what the fuck they're talking about. I love it.

So attacking other countries is now Us private affairs that we others can't have a say in?

Yes, fucking Euros go fuck yourself with your baseless anti americanism. If Taliban faggots hide at weddings, you gotta fuck them up with the air force so they learn a lesson, you hide taliban we bomb your wedding and eat your babies. Sounds fair to me.

Yes, punish the people at the wedding for that there might have been talibans in their midst
Are you a sadistic nazi, or just generally stupid?

And one more thing: I know more of history than you. :OMG:

And the war in Afghanistan stardet with a coup suppourted by English and US agents against a goverment (of doubtfull legitimasy) consisting in large of civil and army officials trained for free in Sovjet.
When that goverment requested help from Sovjet, Sovjet were more than willing to send millitary personel.
I could do me a white woman, I also would like to know where they are at.
So attacking other countries is now Us private affairs that we others can't have a say in?

Yes, punish the people at the wedding for that there might have been talibans in their midst
Are you a sadistic nazi, or just generally stupid?

And one more thing: I know more of history than you. :OMG:

And the war in Afghanistan stardet with a coup suppourted by English and US agents against a goverment (of doubtfull legitimasy) consisting in large of civil and army officials trained for free in Sovjet.
When that goverment requested help from Sovjet, Sovjet were more than willing to send millitary personel.
dude are you fucking dumb. The part that matters goes as follows:
1980s Soviets invade Afganistan and start fucking them up.
latter 80s Americans apply again the NSC68 aka containment of the spread of communism and give soviet made weapons from Egypt to the mujaedins in Afghanistan. American forces train Bin Laden. Pakistan and the Saudis match the aid the US is giving to the Mujaedins in Afghanistan. The 14th Soviet army gets pwned and Soviet pull out. Talibans are left with guns and power. At that moment after the Soviet slaughter most of the population of Afganistan is under the age of 14 and undeducated. The US deines them money to build schools and protection from a few religious nuts in Afganistan. Religious nuts take over. Daddy Bush and Bin Laden don't agree on the Gulf war. Bin Laden wants to take over Iraq and kick out Saddam. Daddy Bush denies the pursuit of Saddam in 92. Bin laden declares holy war against the US and uses afghanistan as a base to launch his attacks against Americans world wide. Afganistan serves as the perfect places because OF ITS YOUNG AND UNEDUCATED and RELIGIOUSLY NUT POPULATION THE US CREATED IN THE 80S. Later you get 9/11. How is that for a history lesson? which part of that you don't get?

Go read some Machiavelli faggot. It is much safer for a military or ruler to be feared than loved. That is why you bomb weddings where the enemy is hiding, to discourage people from protecting said enemy. Take for example The Roman Empire and its counterinsurgency actions in Israel, Carthage and Gauls. Before 150AD those intervention fucked up a big deal of the population and yelded stability for hundreds of years. In the Eastern Roman Empire aka Byzanthium, that lead to stability until the Crusades and rise of Mahomed who took over Constantinople. Take a look of what the American army did in Korea, Okinawa, firebombings of Tokyo, what the red army did in Europe in WWII, especially in Poland in late 1944, by not helping a democratic insurgency against the germans, so that future political enemies of the red army would have already been long gone....
the events I described happened before 1980 and were the reason the events you described in your last post happpened.
With the exception that Afghanistan was an uneducated feudal state before the war also, which made it prey to both western and sovjet manipulation

And contrary to you, I don't want to be ruled by fear. If that makes me a faggot, so be it.

And the eastern roman empire wasn't stable at all, with most of it's emperors assassinated in coups, and loosing territory to what is today turkey, slavian barbarrians and so on.
Gotta love it... the American without a high school diploma (who thinks Machiavelli was serious) is trying to make a case for Americans knowing American issues better than everyone else by calling his opponent a faggot and telling him things he already knows. I love you, Internet.
