Atlanta Musician's Search Thread?


Nocturnal Dream
Jun 19, 2008
Alpharetta, GA
Hey guys, just wanted to make a thread on here for Atlanta musicians to maybe find each other start up some cool bands and projects or just to be aware of each others existence. :) I really don't know too many musicians around here that are actually into and want to play progressive metal music and yet one of the greatest prog/power/(and beyond) festivals around is held here. So anyways, thought this could turn into an interesting thread.

In my case, we are 2 guitarist looking for members for anything along the lines of progressive, melodeath, and power metal. It could really go in a mixture any of these directions. Some influences of ours are Symphony X, Scar Symmetry, Nevermore, Dream Theater, Lost Horizon, Angra, Circus Maximus, and In Flames. Here's a sample of the music. Just a simple little catchy tune with programmed drums and bass.

So where are you musician nerds hiding out?

And anyone else wanna whore their potential band/project out? Please do!
I sing, but currently have no equipment :F
One of these days i'm going to record some samples...
...One of these days...

Anyways, when I sing in a low-mid range I do a good Jerry Cantrell, and while I can go much higher than that, I can't do so without getting a more abrasive, yelling quality. Which can be good or bad, depending on the sound. I am also -working- on doing harsh vocals (mostly just so I can be more diverse.) but I don't really want to ruin my throat. great control when warmed up.

PTC area (South of Atlanta)