A study of drivers in Atlanta (awesome!)


METAL... nuff said!
Okay, y'all.... youz local guyz gotta let me know which stretch of road this is.

Those of you who drive to Prog Power each year probably know how insane the drivers around there can be, in respect to the speed limit. I for one always drive down each year, and I know just how fast people bust ass down those freeways.

These kids did a test... to see what would happen, if people ACTUALLY OBEYED THE SPEED LIMIT!

It's a hell of a social observation, and since it occurs in Atlanta, I wanna know if any of you can relate to this experience when you went each year.

A Meditation on Speed Limits

And remember... drive safely!!!
Wow, what they did was seriously dangerous and they did not obey the law as they stated. Tailgating also relates to cars side by side. They could and should have gotten tickets for endangering their own safety and the safety of others as well.
Last year coming home from PP, I broke my 1 hour record, 2 hour record, 5 hour record, and total trip time record from Atlanta--but all of the records were set in north Florida, not Georgia.

The people in Atlanta are far too genteel, and seem to be not that upset to drive the speed limit. If those kids tried this in Miami they would be on the evening news dressed up in body bags...
Bah! People in Atlanta are wimps. Try driving in F-ing Jersey. Having the most densely populated state in the union, we know damn well the cops can't catch us all! If you go less than 10 mph over the speed limit you are seriously gonna piss Jersey drivers off and they will honk at you or flip you off or execute minor road rage maneuvers. Typical speed on the Garden State Parkway is 80mph. Get outta da way!!!!
I was pissed off just watching them. I would've seriosly tried to drive at least one off the road. Threats of personal violence everywhere.
Then they should've done that in front of patrol or government cars. It is the stupidest law in the face of the Earth, I agree, but people behind them will miss (or altogether ignore) the point as they really just want to kill them.
#1, that was incredibly stupid *and* inaccurate (they were obeying ONE law to the exclusion of any others), #2 obediEnce is not spelled with an a, and #3, the perimeter refers to I-285. It looks like they drove around the entire perimeter. I thought I recognized bits near 75 over near Marietta, and I think I saw an exit for 78 over on the east side.

It was a stupid protest, not going to change anything, and not directed at the proper audience, not to mention completely worthless as an "experiment." Those dumbasses need another hobby.
damn, why the hell are some of you so negative towards this? The point was to just display how inappropriate 55 mph on those roads are. If you are one of the people that got, or would get, insanely pissed about following those guys, then you're also supporting the questioning of the speed limit.

Also, those of you northern city folk ( :p ), you think its all crazy up there because everyone drives fast and flies over lanes and between cars and shit. What makes driving in the south worse is that most people down here -are retards- when it comes to driving. Driving around Chicago was heaven compared to driving on a SC or GA highway.
lady_space said:
#1, that was incredibly stupid *and* inaccurate (they were obeying ONE law to the exclusion of any others), #2 obediEnce is not spelled with an a, and #3, the perimeter refers to I-285. It looks like they drove around the entire perimeter. I thought I recognized bits near 75 over near Marietta, and I think I saw an exit for 78 over on the east side.

It was a stupid protest, not going to change anything, and not directed at the proper audience, not to mention completely worthless as an "experiment." Those dumbasses need another hobby.

What laws did they break?
Ive been on many roads in my lifetime (lived in 5 states NY, NJ, OH, NH, MA), and have drivin up and down the East coast many times. That being said NJ can get a pretty crazy, but Im telling you the drivers in MA on the outskirts of Boston take the cake. I commute daily into Boston, and out......ppl are absolutely ridiculous!

Id have to say the worst in my experience is MA, NJ, followed by CT. NYC isnt all that bad, you just gotta let the Taxis know they cant intimidate you.

Atlanta wasnt all that bad for me and Ive been through there several times, and through GA on my way to FL many times.
I've driven around a portion of that loop around Atlanta and both times I nearly got killed. Only pure luck saved me. I vowed never to enter that loop again. I am taking the fucking rural route through north Georgia if I ever have to go that way again. If it's worse in LA, DC, Boston and Jersey, that's just another reason for me never to go to those places.

Here in Arizona, Scottdale is setting a new benchmark for freeway speeding. They've installed cameras that take still shots of every car going ten miles over the speed limit. If you're caught, you get your $157 ticket along with your picture (complete with license plate and time/date stamped) in the mail. The city expects to make about 2 million per week initially. Talk about a CASH COW!

It's a hot topic of debate around here. Personally, I don't mind, as long as they stay at 10 over. I think 65 is perfect speed for metro area freeways. Most of the people that will get tickets are the idiots who try to go ten miles faster than everyone else, darting in and out of traffic lanes like they are Dale Earnhardt at Daytona.

NP: Glenn Hughes - Soul Mover
LOL! I've made that trip from just north of LA to San Diego a few times.
It was the Pacific coast autobahn

For Angrafan - I don't know the GA state laws (Shaye? Glenn? Anybody?) but in Illinois & Wisconsin, there is random enforcement of the ultimate road courtesy law "Slower Traffic Keep Right". It has nothing to do with the speed limit law.These idiots DO deserve tickets and the rage of other motorists they encountered. I've been licensed to drive for 25 years now, and I really have to wonder what kids (generally speaking) have been taught in Driver's Ed the last couple of decades. On a 2 or more lane highway, the left lane is for passing. What irritated me more than these dolt's protest was the guy who said something along the lines of hoping that people would see him on his cell phone and figure he was busy, or whatever. Personally, if I could do no jail time, I would rip that cell out of his hand and bury so deep up his posterior orifice that Glenn, and the entire ER staff would take HOURS to remove it. I drive a bit on the fringes of Chicago, 60 miles each way to work and back. People like this are the reason I don't carry weapons within arms reach (but I might throw tollway change if I didn't have I-PASS...)

Nice sweater, dickweed!

You know, that's a good way to get plugged if you do that in the Northeast. I can't imagine driving down the NJ Expressway doing that. You are literally taking your life into your hands. I was always taught that you should "drive at the rate of the cars around you".