attention people OUTSIDE of the USA

i really would like it if several people (instead of just merely Krampus) would directly respond to post number 17
Eh, I'm American but for the sake of keeping the thread alive ill directly respond to it. Don't ask Don't tell had its uses when the other soldiers would beat the shit out of or kill the gay men, but now its utterly useless and just a hazard for gay soldiers. If someone tells that your gay and your already enlisted you get dishonorably discharged.... then you cant get a job at dairy queen.
are you saying that the American "gay part of town" is a bad concept? are you agreeing with homophobic govenments that you've just described?

How is saying "this is the rule in X place" the same thing as "I agree with the rule in X place?" It's kind of cute how idealistic you are but you're obviously someone who has no practical experience in dealing with normal people
Eh, I'm American but for the sake of keeping the thread alive ill directly respond to it. Don't ask Don't tell had its uses when the other soldiers would beat the shit out of or kill the gay men, but now its utterly useless and just a hazard for gay soldiers. If someone tells that your gay and your already enlisted you get dishonorably discharged.... then you cant get a job at dairy queen.

there are countries where the homophobics would get kicked out instead of the gays, why doesn't anyone care about that
but you're obviously someone who has no practical experience in dealing with normal people

are you implying that homophobia = normal???
cuz Razoredge would agree with such a statement
do you Krampus have any experience interacting with GLBT people???
from your posts i'd say no
Yeah ha. You don't have to fear them to dislike them for no reason.

lol monoxide_child, are you from the West Coast, NYC or Vermont by any chance? go anywhere in the "middle" of the country or even just poorer areas with lower concentrations of left-voting white people and you'll find a lot of wishy-washy "ehhh they do what they want but I dunno if they should get married and I hope they don't hit on me blah blah" bullshit. plenty of people tolerate their existence but can't view them as regular people.

as for me, I don't feel I need to justify myself to you. but I do think the hottest chicks are the butch ones with small boobs and strong arms. ;)
Yeah ha. You don't have to fear them to dislike them for no reason.

lol monoxide_child, are you from the West Coast, NYC or Vermont by any chance? go anywhere in the "middle" of the country or even just poorer areas with lower concentrations of left-voting white people and you'll find a lot of wishy-washy "ehhh they do what they want but I dunno if they should get married and I hope they don't hit on me blah blah" bullshit. plenty of people tolerate their existence but can't view them as regular people.

as for me, I don't feel I need to justify myself to you. but I do think the hottest chicks are the butch ones with small boobs and strong arms. ;)
for those of you who were not paying attention
there have been a lot of different posts in several different threads where i've bitched about the fact that i live in "the bible belt" so i personally have been able to see first hand the intensity of the homophobia from the idiotic Christians whose entire objection to homosexuality is nothing more that the fact that homosexual activity is listed as a capital crime in the laws of Leviticus, but i do live in a huge city with a large "gay part of town" and a lot of my close personal friends are gay, and because of my freinds being gay, i was actually hanging out in gay bars almost every night for the month of November
I didn't read a whole thread, but I agree with it.
As long as that dude or girl is doing his job good, you don't have any rights to involve yourself into his private life.
If someone doesn't like it, it's his problem, not yours.
Fucking pretty simple if you ask me, no-one should have disclose there sexual preference if they don't wish too (unless there is of course a valid medical / psychological reason to demand it be known, and enrolling in the military is not one in my humble opinion ) at the same time they should be free to disclose to whoever they want if they wish to do so.
Fucking pretty simple if you ask me, no-one should have disclose there sexual preference if they don't wish too (unless there is of course a valid medical / psychological reason to demand it be known, and enrolling in the military is not one in my humble opinion ) at the same time they should be free to disclose to whoever they want if they wish to do so.

you're kinda missing what i was bitching about
my whole point was that a gay guy should be able to walk around being "flamingly" gay without any one being upset by it
you're kinda missing what i was bitching about
my whole point was that a gay guy should be able to walk around being "flamingly" gay without any one being upset by it

Yes, I'd agree with that as long as it's not to the point where the flaming-ness becomes harassing or in-appropriate. Many people dislike elements of particular lifestyles or cultures who's members they must coexist with, and gay culture should not be be treated differently from these .
Yes, I'd agree with that as long as it's not to the point where the flaming-ness becomes harassing or in-appropriate. Many people dislike elements of particular lifestyles or cultures who's members they must coexist with, and gay culture should not be be treated differently from these .

a gay person trying to flirt with a straight person is wrong
but a person being obviously gay shouldn't be a problem to straight people

I'm from Argentina and I would like to say my opinion. Excuse any mistakes in my English, I learnt it by surfing the Internet =P

I think that this rule is dated, because now it only damages the gay people.

About Argentina, we are all a bunch of brainless racist motherfuckers (deep down if not openly), and a good part of our military are fascist bastards (not all of them tho) so I believe that they still resort to beat the shit out of closeted gays, then kick them out.

Recently the government decided to start a project to allow gay marriages and adoptions and there was a lot of people who had a very strong Catholic mindset, with different degrees of retard-ness, enough to say that said law project was a 'satanic law' (WTF?) or that homosexuality is a disease or that if gay couple adopt kids these kids will suffer of mental disorders or get raped (again. WTF?)...... while others openly apprioved, including the LGBT community, left-voters, UBA students, and the president (and myself, because I feel it is the fair thing to do).....and most people pretended to be a part of this group to be progressist but they actually had the wishy washy attitude that krampus mentioned.
The worst part of it is that they were a huge part of the politicians who had to vote just agreed or disagreed following the official policy of their parties (this means if their were with or against the president) and not their own rational judgement. -_-
In the end the marriage law was approved, but there was a lot of butthurt and some judges refuse to marry gay people.

A good part of the Argentinian Cathilic church is racist, after all the traditional branch is BFFs with the facist branch of our army; the one that isn't is a part of the Third World movement (means, they are socialists). I can understand the Church arguments against the law because I have coursed the kindergarden, the elementary, middle and high school in the same Catholic school and Religion classes were curricular courses there (I actually read the CCC..someone had to do the homework so the rest could copy it LOL). That does not mean I share their views, some of them are quite narrow-minded.

Oh my god what a tl;dr post