Attention United States Citizens

Mc Cain got my vote by absente many weeks ago....

And this is the most absurd misinformation I've heard....

McCain wants America to attack Iran! This would result in possibly hundreds of thouasands of people dead. Who wants a repeat of Iraq? You know that war that barely even gets any press now that America is worried it can’t afford HBO and H2’s anymore. I fought a year of the ignorant war, did unspeakable things, and had my guys blown up, shot in the throat, and bleed to death all for nothing (news flash there were no weapons of mass destruction).

When did he say this? Can you show me some proof?
NP Wolfe:

According to McCain, Iran is “the world’s chief state sponsor of terrorism.” Asked in a forum when the United States should send “an air mail message” to Iran in the form of bombs, McCain replied by setting his own words to the Beach Boys song, “Barbara Ann." Instead of

Ah, ba ba ba ba barbara ann
Ba ba ba ba barbara ann

McCain's version made it

Bomb bomb bomb,
Bomb bomb Iran...


Says McCain would provoke new wars, 'he's in everybody's face'

"More wars" could prove to be the oddest of all presidential campaign slogans. Especially if it works.

Presidential candidate John McCain shocked observers on Sunday when he told a crowd of supporters, "There's going to be other wars. ... I'm sorry to tell you, there's going to be other wars. We will never surrender but there will be other wars."

MSNBC's Joe Scarborough asked old-line conservative Pat Buchanan about McCain's remarks, saying, "He talked about promising that more wars were coming. ... Is he so desperate to get off the economic issue?"

Pat Buchanan replied that McCain never used the word "promise" but simply said there would be more wars, and that from McCain's point of view, "that is straight talk. ... You get John McCain in the White House, and I do believe we will be at war with Iran."

"That's one of the things that makes me very nervous about him," Buchanan went on. "There's no doubt John McCain is going to be a war president. ... His whole career is wrapped up in the military, national security. He's in Putin's face, he's threatening the Iranians, we're going to be in Iraq a hundred years."


One of the things that hasn't been covered much coming out of the debate, is that McCain's Iran policy has turned to absolute gibberish. After the past few days, it appears that McCain's policy is that Iran developing nuclear technology is an urgent problem that must be stopped to avoid a second Holocaust. Therefore, we should build a new international institution that will take years and years to put together, so that it can deal with this urgent problem. Huh? Also, Obama's willingness to talk to Iran is hugely naive and is so dangerous that McCain cut an ad scaring the public about Obama's position and consistently opposes it. But McCain's advisor Henry Kissinger believes we should talk to Iran at the secretary of state level and somehow claims this is in line with McCain's view? On top of that, McCain's running mate was on TV last week essentially green lighting an Israeli strike on Iran. I'm really confused but let's walk through this in more detail.

At the debate McCain was asked what he would do about Iran. His response:

Now we cannot a second Holocaust. Let's just make that very clear. What I have proposed for a long time, and I've had conversation with foreign leaders about forming a league of democracies, let's be clear and let's have some straight talk. The Russians are preventing significant action in the United Nations Security Council.

I have proposed a league of democracies, a group of people - a group of countries that share common interests, common values, common ideals, they also control a lot of the world's economic power. We could impose significant meaningful, painful sanctions on the Iranians that I think could have a beneficial effect.

The Iranians have a lousy government, so therefore their economy is lousy, even though they have significant oil revenues. So I am convinced that together, we can, with the French, with the British, with the Germans and other countries, democracies around the world, we can affect Iranian behavior.

This is crazy. The United Nations was only created after much of the world was destroyed and the League of Nations had failed. And even that approach took very careful machinations on the part of Roosevelt and his advisors. It took four decades to create the EU and its still evolving and having hiccups along the way. And oh by the way, no one in the rest of the world has any desire to create the League of Democracies. Even once these organizations are set up, they have a very hard time acting in unison on anything that is at all controversial. Just because two countries are democracies doesn't mean they agree (See the run up to the Iraq War).

If the Iranian threat is as urgent as McCain claims it is. If most intelligence assessments agree that we are looking at Iran having a nuclear capability, if not an actual weapon, some time in the next 3-10 years. Why on earth would you waste years and years of time trying to build a new international institution that may or may not be able to address that problem? This is a pipe dream and a pretty roundabout and absurd way to try and increase economic pressure on the Iranians.
Not once in that whole section do I see "I will take America to war with Iran".

Whatever you guys want to think so be it.

As long as you go vote for someone, I'll be happy.
Bomb iran is a funny joke for a presidential candidate to make, I suppose.

Regardless, you dont have to say it aloud to get across the same message.

If I glared at you every time I saw you and made threatening gestures and then told people who knew you: "That Wolfeman needs to be put in his place"... it sort of means, we might get into a fight.

Being hostile and threatening usually only gets you one typical result
Well I am in the military, and don't want to go to war with another country, so why would I vote for someone that would want to go to war?

I'm positive neither of these candidates would do anything like that unless provoked strongly. McCain isn't stupid enough to jump the gun and have another mess like someone else did.

Bottom line is there is misinformation being thrown around from both sides, and I don't fall into that trap like others seem too. I may hate Obama, but it's based on his platform, not on him being a 'commie' or 'black' or 'Muslim terrorist' or whatever else gets said about him......

I wish everyone else would see through the bullshit also. Maybe we would have more educated votes.
What's wrong with his platform? Just asking, seriously. I havent heard anybody specifically state a disagreement with something sensible. Here in TX, the McCain people are just throwing the typical bullshit about irrelevant topics like his history or whatever.
If "bomb bomb iran" doesn't mean to attack iran what does it mean? If a country bombed America no one would question weither we were at war with them.
Have you watched the whole video about that 'Bomb Iran' thing you talk about?

The reporter blatantly asked, "Is there a plan to attack Iran?". McCain then started signing that song as a joke to how absurd the question was. He then went into great detail about the seriousness of the Iran issue. It's no different then if I would come straight up and ask you if you had a plan to kill your next door neighbor. It's ridiculous.

And BTW, you do know that Obama want's to weed out terrorists in Pakistan, send troops there......... But I guess that doesn't bother you.

And about the platform, what's not to understand about liking one and not the other? I like McCain's tax plans, I don't like Obama's. I like McCain's view on abortion, I don't like Obama's. I like McCain's defense plans, I don't like Obama's. I agree with McCain's stance on gun control, not with Obama's. So why would I vote for shit I don't like? Wouldn't make much sense, would it?
Have you watched the whole video about that 'Bomb Iran' thing you talk about?

The reporter blatantly asked, "Is there a plan to attack Iran?". McCain then started signing that song as a joke to how absurd the question was. He then went into great detail about the seriousness of the Iran issue. It's no different then if I would come straight up and ask you if you had a plan to kill your next door neighbor. It's ridiculous.

And BTW, you do know that Obama want's to weed out terrorists in Pakistan, send troops there......... But I guess that doesn't bother you.

And about the platform, what's not to understand about liking one and not the other? I like McCain's tax plans, I don't like Obama's. I like McCain's view on abortion, I don't like Obama's. I like McCain's defense plans, I don't like Obama's. I agree with McCain's stance on gun control, not with Obama's. So why would I vote for shit I don't like? Wouldn't make much sense, would it?

100% with ya Wolf....that is all.
our country is being hoodwinked into Obama-mania. it's making me sick. McCain is no saint either, and his VP choice blows, but he's got a bit more common sense regarding his tax plans and gun control than Obama does. i do not agree with McCain's abortion stance and i do NOT agree with that issue being a major factor in the presidential race at ALL. I also don't believe that he himself is all that gung-ho about his own campaign's position on that issue... but it plays well to the bible belt, so..... there ya go.

IMO both candidates are shit. i wanted Ron Paul.

Paul's departure from this race turned me into a conscientious objector regarding this election.

"Obama or McCain" is like "6 of one or half a dozen of another".... we're screwed either way.

both candidates have lied, dissembled, obfuscated, and pandered their way into my utter contempt.
our country is being hoodwinked into Obama-mania. it's making me sick. McCain is no saint either, and his VP choice blows, but he's got a bit more common sense regarding his tax plans and gun control than Obama does. i do not agree with McCain's abortion stance and i do NOT agree with that issue being a major factor in the presidential race at ALL. I also don't believe that he himself is all that gung-ho about his own campaign's position on that issue... but it plays well to the bible belt, so..... there ya go.

IMO both candidates are shit. i wanted Ron Paul.

Paul's departure from this race turned me into a conscientious objector regarding this election.

"Obama or McCain" is like "6 of one or half a dozen of another".... we're screwed either way.

both candidates have lied, dissembled, obfuscated, and pandered their way into my utter contempt.

Wow...I knew you were a good guitarist, but I didn't know that you were a mindreader.

I'm TravisW, and I approve this message.
our country is being hoodwinked into Obama-mania. it's making me sick. McCain is no saint either, and his VP choice blows, but he's got a bit more common sense regarding his tax plans and gun control than Obama does. i do not agree with McCain's abortion stance and i do NOT agree with that issue being a major factor in the presidential race at ALL. I also don't believe that he himself is all that gung-ho about his own campaign's position on that issue... but it plays well to the bible belt, so..... there ya go.

IMO both candidates are shit. i wanted Ron Paul.

Paul's departure from this race turned me into a conscientious objector regarding this election.

"Obama or McCain" is like "6 of one or half a dozen of another".... we're screwed either way.

both candidates have lied, dissembled, obfuscated, and pandered their way into my utter contempt.

You're dead on man, we are screwed either way - but I can't think of any election in which we haven't been. All politicians are thieves, liars, and criminals. I think that may actually be the definition of politics. That being said, I'd love to see a third party candidate strong enough to make some sort of impact on an election (Bloomberg - you listening? That means you and Lieberman.) However, I dont' see that happening since Americans have the mindset that if you don't vote for one of the two major parties your vote is "wasted."

I'm leaving to vote right now. I was a huge McCain supporter very early on in the primary season, mainly due to the fact that he wasn't afraid to break party lines and say what he wanted to say. I didn't agree with him 100% on every issue, but his honesty, forthrightness and bipartisan attitude impressed me to no end. Unfortunately the RNC got a hold of him and turned him into the "ideal" candidate in their eyes. Then picking Palin (which I still believe McCain is not happy with) really screwed him. I'm still voting for him because I agree with more of his platform issues than I do with Obama - its as simple as that. I'm not voting for McCain because I'm a war monger, or because I'm a racist. Unfortunately, most of the people at the school I go to seem to think that voting for a Republican candidate makes me all of those things. People from both parties tend to ignore issues when voting and that's a shame. /end rant
True ... but just seeing the glow of your cigarette from the dark corner of the room where you sat and watched made me feel safe
shit, should have gone for the Skoal.

It may have been Matt but it was your saggy see-through skin I was thinking of
now you're confusing me with the second-hand inflatable chip'n'dales dancer blow-up doll you bought from Billy with your birthday money .
I'm getting off work early and voting Obama.

I agree that our war should be focused on who actually attacked us on 9/11.
I agree with his stance on education and the breaks he'd give for us who would otherwise not be able to go.
I am pro-choice and don't think Roe V Wade should EVER come into question.
And I am 100% for him correcting the tax breaks Bush gave the higher class.