Attention United States Citizens

Voted at 9 this morning. Nice to not deal with lines like a lot of the rest of the country.

What's funny is that I totally don't keep up with the local shit so I didn't vote on anything local. :lol:

That kinda sucks, seeing as how those local issues are the things your vote really can swing....
Mc Cain got my vote by absente many weeks ago....

Curious. Do you think yourself & your friends should still be over there?

As for the tax issue, do you make over $250,000 per year? Does anyone you know make that much? I wouldn't worry about your taxes going up. ...And if you do make over $250,000 quit whining! You make a quarter-million!

...and for the record, we just had our Federal election a few weeks ago. A total snooze. Your election has been far, far more interesting.

As a Canadian, I find the "Obama is a socialist" label utterly hilarious.

You're smarter than this


C'mon man ... you can't be serious

It's funny that many Americans seem to think that socialism equals communism... and that socialism is considered a bad thing.

Actually, no, it's not funny... it's rather sad...

The irony is: the outcome of this election will affect everyone's life on this planet... yet only a tiny fraction is entitled to have a vote.
Yeah, I'm all for limited socialism, especially in the form of government intervention in and regulation of big business - the way I see it is a playground situation: are teachers just gonna turn all the kids loose and expect that they'll all share the available toys amicably? No, of course not, because they know the big bullies will just pummel the weaklings and take the toys for themselves. An unsympathetic, inhumane shithead would call that social Darwinism, but when these big bullies start consolidating their power to become unstoppable, and everyone else is left with jack shit - no thanks.
I voted already, for the lesser of the two evils. Doesn't really give it away does it.

Both are liars, both of their wives are annoying. Both of their VPs have a ton of bad points. Both have been working in the most corrupt portion of the government (congress). Both were for the crappy bailout. Either will pardon crooks at the end of their term.

That reminds me...I can't wait to see who Bush pardons before he exits.
As a Canadian, I find the "Obama is a socialist" label utterly hilarious.

It's funny that many Americans seem to think that socialism equals communism... and that socialism is considered a bad thing.

Actually, no, it's not funny... it's rather sad...

Tell me about it guys. Even as an American I find it ridiculous that people here are so quick to throw the label "socialism" without really understanding what it is. I would blame the pathetic school systems here...but I was raised in the same schools...and yet I know the difference. Sigggh. At least I see glimmers of hope from intelligent, thinking people here on this forum.
So much of it is based on cultural differences. We all fear what we don't know or don't understand. So it's easy for certain people to sow fear and harvest hate... And at least McCain's campaign is based on that to a huge degree.

That's why McCain wouldn't even have the glimpse of a chance if this race would be held in many European states. People just plainly wouldn't accept things like robo-calls, outrages claims about connections to terrorists or the totally out of context usage of terms like socialsm etc... These things are seen as an impertinence to any thinking human being.

Edit: Not even starting about Palin here...
Haven't we already seen the potential for the damage that socialism could do in this country in the mortgage "melt down?"

It's possible that socialism itself is not the danger, but rather the state that would be in control...
It's funny that many Americans seem to think that socialism equals communism... and that socialism is considered a bad thing.

Actually, no, it's not funny... it's rather sad...

The irony is: the outcome of this election will affect everyone's life on this planet... yet only a tiny fraction is entitled to have a vote.

I hope you didn't misinterperet what I said and think that I have this view of Obama being a socialist. Just to be certain, I don't think he's a socialist

I was sticking it to Guitardude about saying that. I was saying that I hope he wasn't serious about thinking Obama is a socialist

Just clarifying
Haven't we already seen the potential for the damage that socialism could do in this country in the mortgage "melt down?"

It's possible that socialism itself is not the danger, but rather the state that would be in control...

Socialism doesn't necessarily mean absolute liberty of markets and economy. So yeah, the state has to put up certain constraints to assure that the freedom of some (when powers are are being abused) doesn't negatively affect the freedom of others.

I hope you didn't misinterperet what I said and think that I have this view of Obama being a socialist. Just to be certain, I don't think he's a socialist

I was sticking it to Guitardude about saying that. I was saying that I hope he wasn't serious about thinking Obama is a socialist

Just clarifying

No man, I didn't misinterpret that. I just wanted to make a more general statement in the light of this conversation.
So (and please forgive my ignorance here) socialism in practice is less about "absolute" state control and more about...what, a more defined set of parameters between which the free market can operate before the state intervenes?
Its all really lame honestly. I don't really like either candidates and I don't claim to be any more educated than anyone else so I stay out of these topics mostly.
Socialism doesn't necessarily mean absolute liberty of markets and economy. So yeah, the state has to put up certain constraints to assure that the freedom of some (when powers are are being abused) doesn't negatively affect the freedom of others.

Unfortunately, the State is unwilling to do the same in regard to the DNC/GOP monopoly on political power. Obviously, it's not in their interests.
So (and please forgive my ignorance here) socialism in practice Canada. Come visit some time. Health Care is provided so corporations don't bankrupt working people with outrageous bills. Power companies are regulated so you don't wind up with the situation California was in with the rolling blackouts.

Of course, it has it's downside. Our TV & Radio are regulated for 33.3 % Canadian content... and it's pretty shitty. That fine, everyone just watches US satellite anyway.