I swear you guys are the most pissy bunch I have ever seen (almost), and make more out of something than needs be (beyond a doubt).
The Social sub-forum was created for the explicit reason of taking a gi-normous thread, and allowing for individual posts and topics, so we could eliminate having a huge thread. I looked through some of the new social/pic thread, and it was the same damn thing the old one was, to a tee.
If you want a "pic" thread, then start a "pic" thread. If you want a "I'm drinking now..." thread to post pics of what you're currently drinking, do it! If you want to tell someone you were hired at McDonald's today, start a thread! It's a SOCIAL-FORUM, the sole purpose for this SOCIAL-FORUM is so you CAN post quickie things like that, along with other more engaging social topics.
Let's just stop lumping everything into one huge thread, again, because that's what this freakin' sub-forum was created for, to AVOID that. QUIT FUCKING WHINING ABOUT IT for fucks sake. I'll have to dig up some kind of diaper add-on to this forum at this point, sheesh.