not that this is true in the_minxnim's case, but a lot of the time the whole "long fuse" thing creates the behaviour it supposedly responds to. if you let something slide once, twice, ten, twenty times, then you don't really have the right to suddenly get angry when it's done the twenty-first time. i think that's part of why guys say they're confused by women--because so many women do this.
"Well, I went running every morning the two years we were dating, and I've gone running every morning the two years we were married and then this morning my wife screamed at me and said I could never run again and she'd always hated it and finally I'd reached the end of her long fuse! I don't understand women!!!"
you establish unspoken rules in the relationship early on and each party tweaks their behaviour in order to conform to the rules their partner has established. if you don't nip intolerable behaviour in the bud, you pretty much forfeit your right to complain later.