Attn Thrash Fucking Terrorists

Erik said:
its not even a goatee lol i just think a fucken hassle shavin, im not gettin any girls anyway so why the fuck even bother right, i might just as well wear plastic bags cause theyre cheaper than clothes i guess

also it looks pretty strange in that pic but so does the rest of me so ya :)

i thought you had a gfs she likes burzum and you had sex~
When I grow a pube im going to post here, maybe twice! Does it have to be a facial one though? Because I can feel one sprouting on my toe I think!!!
I will surely be the chicks.
Pyrus said:
If you haven't listened to Bifrost's The Wildest Fire, do so now. Awesome pagan thrash that's kinda like Sabbat if they went Viking instead of Celtic.

If you have, and you have Pagan Reality or Mythistory, hook me up plz.

That is all.

Here it is go to they have a shit load of hard to find cds from different sellers, including Pagan Reality and Mythistory. The only problem is that some of the shit on there is a little expensive.
Erik said:
toe pics will do


i have hilarious feet
I am sorry for sparking the fire of thought that created the toe pic. FUCKING FEET, they ar so ugly, even hot women cant change the uglyness of feet.