Attn: WoW Players

Man, I love WoW but it was always really hard for me to get anything done in that fucking game. Killing 47 bears to collect 7 pieces of hardened shit is not my idea of a good time. So instead of doing that, I'd take all my character's clothes off and run around Ironforge so people would send me whispers saying, "omg ur such a hore." Or I would buy stupid pink outfits and duel someone 10 levels lower than me, just so they could tell me that warlocks are overpowered.

So, I don't know what to tell you. Once you get past the fun part of starting a new character, it all goes downhill. I'm impatient and I like to actually have fun while playing a video game. Instances can be fun, as can some group quests you'll have to do, but grinding out money and/or gear bores the shit out of me. Maybe that's why I haven't made it past level 60 yet. :zombie:

What level are you now?


That's the funniest pic I've seen in a looooong time. :lol:
What level are you now?


First off - that picture is awesome.

And I'm level 12 right now, after about a week of playing. With mining around 80 and smithing around 90. This is taking a loooooooong time.

I've been sick for the past week puking and such, so I haven't had anything better to do. But now that I'm mending I have a feeling I'll be outside more often again.