audio file of me playing the hatebreed0r solo

It wasn't too bad, your timing is a bit off and you should try muting the strings you don't use.

You should try out Guitarpro (i'm sure you've heard of it!) the speedtrainer is your friend.

Keep shredding =)
HomerJ_123 said:
first and last of all - i didnt switch from power chords to alexis solos.
i practised 1 hour/day, 3 days, so what do ya expect? i know its sloppy and not good. i posted it just for you to hear sth. Jesus Christ.


Settle down. You said to criticize it. So I did.
wow! i thought it was great...way better than know what? you kinda inspired me to play like that. because you are the first person i have heard thats played a Children solo thats not Alexi...ha ha thanks for that!
thank you, thas kewl :)

It wasn't too bad, your timing is a bit off and you should try muting the strings you don't use.

You should try out Guitarpro (i'm sure you've heard of it!) the speedtrainer is your friend.

Keep shredding =)

i'm using guitar pro and its speedtrainer and now i've more time i'll practise more. thank you too

Settle down. You said to criticize it. So I did.
yeah its ok m8 but dont tell me that i'm playing powerchords ^^ :)
thx a lot...
btw: i'm practizing with guitar pro's speedtrainer
yeah made me laugh 2

i forgot to tell you that i'm playing that with just 22 frets so there are some things i cant play excactly like alexi does (for example the banded f''')
and i dont have a whammy bar on my guitar (ibanez sz520)


btw... i'll update it when i practized it more but i'm concentrating on sweeps atm.
not bad at all man..these guys talk too much trash on working on that solo..any tips you can throw this way?
no offense but im 15 and i can play that solo almost perfectly.. my other guitarist in my band is 17 and he can play that solo and a lot of necrophagist too
meta1massacre said:
no offense but im 15 and i can play that solo almost perfectly.. my other guitarist in my band is 17 and he can play that solo and a lot of necrophagist too

I don't really see what that has to do with this... I think he was looking for constructive criticism. Oh and no offense but who cares?
hahah yeah^. Anyway man i thought you did not badly at all youre almost there,its just ashame about your lack of frets cos the solo really needs them,