Aussies - help me find an Aeron!


Apr 5, 2002
Melbourne, Australia
So every time a Herman Miller Aeron comes up for sale on eBay here, it seems it's solely for local pickup in Sydney. Not much joy for someone living in Melbourne.

FOr the few times one does come up in Melbourne, everyone bids the damn thing up until it costs over $1k... absolutely absurd.

So, have any of you other poor souls in the arse end of the world managed to source one of these? If so, where, and would you have any pointers?

God knows mate, they come in at about $1300 AUD over here new. Have you sat in one yet? I still cant imagine spending a k on a chair haha.

you really have to spend some time in one, first impression is it's nothing special, ten hours later you'll figure why it's worth twice the asking price.
I remember when everyone made fun of me for praising the Aeron when Eddy first posted pics of his room and it was in there. I'm glad to see people are realizing how great they are(very much worth the $$$).

And no Dandelium, not a joke. But don't knock em til you try em. It's just like a bed, one of the most important things you can spend money on, yet people skimp like crazy. If you spend a lot of time in a chair, do your body a favor and ditch the leather chair from the big box store and try a Herman Miller chair! Your body will thank you!
Bought one recently, and it is one of the best purchases I've ever made! This thing is just soooooo good!
I fully agree with you, it's just weird to me ;)

A thousand dollars for being able to function physically like a normal person in 25 years seems like a decent investment to me.

Honestly, I've seen studio engineers who are totally and permanently fucked to the point of eating painkillers just to get out of the bed in the morning. And that's all because of crap working ergonomics.

I'm getting an Aeron as soon as I can afford one.
I got mine for $450USD. A good friend of mine has a sister that works for a huge office furniture company. Best purchase I've made in years, and you really need one if you spend longs hours in a chair, you just don't realize it yet.
I'm not saying it's a bad idea, just went nuts when I saw the price :D
I had a subject about medical and dental ergonomics two years ago, so I'm perfectly aware of the necessity of using good chairs and desks, it's just I had never seen an office chair worth 1K. Now I'm GASed. :lol: