Aussies - help me find an Aeron!

Eh, just read this thread last night (after standing up all day long) and woke up with my back in the worst condition it has ever been. Shit. I believe it's mostly from my shitty chair, sitting in it all day long and in the wrong posture. Oh well, I better start doing some back exercise.
Why the Aeron? Well Herman Miller is THE brand for office chairs, I think the guy that designed the Aeron also invented the cubicle but regretted it badly. Lifetime warranty, scientifically proven ergonomics (in the States some big corps found out they could increase productivity by 40% just by replacing employee seating with Aerons). Yeah there's probably someone out there that makes an even better, and perhaps cheaper chair, but I haven't heard of it, and certainly haven't tried it.
Now I feel like a dick for buying this for 200 bucks:


I'm a student so 800 clams for a chair is out of the question, but then I'm an I.T. student so I probably spend more time in my chair than you guys do. What a gay catch 22.

Still I already have back/posture problems from other things so "ergonomic" chairs usually bend me like a gumby and make my legs go numb.
IKEA has one for around 300 that has loads of options to customize the sitting position. I think you can get away with other chairs than the Aeron as long as they are of decent quality and let you adjust a few things here and there in order to fit your body better.