Avatars :o)

Yeah, ´twas a great time, but how did you know I had been drinking? :eek: That really made me think that you are stalking me...:p

@the nomad... well, I have all epis on mpegs, so if you´d like to have em... just tell me, that is, provided your conection is up to it...:)

-phyros (awake, and non-hangoverish! höhö! :hotjump: är jätte glad! )
@Phyros: First you tell us you're going out to sit in
the sun or whatever, and just enjoy life, and we
all know how much you enjoy beer.... And later on
you come back on the board writing lots of weird
stuff....Easy maths here >:oP

But, I AM stalking you, just so that you know >:o]
@Nomad: Nice new avatar :) Quite different from your old one, but nice! Like it the best small, though. Same reason as Blackspirit. Small, it almost looks like some impressionist painting! Beautiful!
well, thanks! i really like the picture! i e-mailed wenche kildahl and i'd like to buy the picture :loco:!
so does anybody know who painted the covers of ulvers "bergtatt", "kveldssanger" and "nattens madrigal? they are really great, true artwork!:spin: